Search results

  1. G

    Dumb, Jinxed, Melee, Solo Playthrough

    I've picked up Fallout 2 yet again and as such come to my favorite Fallout community for advice. This'll be my 12th-ish playthrough. Stopped counting honestly. And I want to make it different. Everyone heard of the infamous dumb playthrough. I want to do that, but with a twist. This...
  2. G


    Don't know if this belongs here but I'll try nonetheless. Lately I've been practicing my caricature drawings. Needless to say, what is a better place to place requests? I'm sure this dark, vile mutated corner of the Internet has some characteristic and rustic faces in need of caricaturing...
  3. G


    Don't know if this is considered "Fan Art" but I'll try nonetheless. Lately I've been practicing my caricature drawings. Needless to say, what is a better place to place requests? I'm sure this dark, vile mutated corner of the Internet has some characteristic and rustic faces in need of...
  4. G


    A bit dark perhaps, but interesting nonetheless. If you could order a hit on someone, who would you have killed and why?
  5. G

    Unarmed & Melee

    A theory: I think it would be more organized and sensible to combine the unarmed and melee skills as one and the same. This is because they both use the same stat for damage, ST, and use similar perks. Actually, a lot of melee based perks effect unarmed as well, and vice-versa. The...
  6. G

    Fallout iPhone

    I wonder if it would be possible to port Fallout 1 & 2 to the iPhone? Theoretically it would be possible, the hardware is sufficient. Possibilities, possibilities. Theories please. P.S. Tried to port F2 to the PSP once which turned into two fried PSP's and half a year of stress.
  7. G

    Good, Neutral, Evil.

    In the Fallout universe (FO1 & FO2), do you prefer to play as a good, neutral or evil character? State your reasons as well.
  8. G

    New Character

    Just started a character on a fresh install of Fallout 2. Great job Killap and Mash. Seems like a new game. Wanted to review the tactical side of it. Name: Jinx. ST. 7. PE. 3. EN. 8. CH. 6 IN. 7 AG. 8. LU. 1. Jinxed. Heavy Handed. Unarmed. Doctor Speech Wanted...
  9. G


    Anyone here have motivation issues? Lately I've been having trouble motivating myself to do anything. I've been struggling through my major, work, relationships. It's a problem really, I tell myself to do things, finish things, but I never get to it really. I just keep postponing...
  10. G

    Martial Arts

    Sitting in front of the PC, havocked, beaten, bruised, aching, BUT satisfied, I have a question, which do you think is the most effective, conditioning, entertaining, etc, etc, form of martial arts? Since a while I've bought a membership- card for the sports center in my local university...
  11. G


    I've been playing with the idea to get a tattoo for a while now, but I'm just not quite there yet. This is what I want to put on my left shoulder: I was first going to go for the classic version, but I decided against that for obvious reasons. Here's an example how it would...
  12. G

    Comedy Relief

    Dear all, Next month I've got a show going in Utrecht, for an international audience. Last time I performed for a broad international audience I've found it hard to read them and walk the very thin line that pleases them all (or most of them, NEVER get them all going), especially since...
  13. G


    Question: Does anyone find the game Bioshock appealing? I just started playing it and I'm in love with it, the atmosphere is great and the whole 50's theme is SO in tune with my Fallout-addiction. It even has The Inkspots! It is NOT a game for long sittings though, after 1 to 1 1/2...
  14. G

    How many times do YOU check this forum?

    Since I'm for work in Denmark with A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y nothing to do, I'm checking this forum quite frequently. TOO frequently I might add. So, I was wondering, how many times most of the people here check the forum for new and interesting posts. *ahem* This way we can fish out the really...
  15. G

    Mouse Issue

    Quick question; I run F1&F2 on a resolution of 640x480 (not much of a choice in the matter really) BUT my screen resolution is 1280x1024. Now. When I run F1 or F2 the mouse moves WAY to fast for my taste. I have to put effort in to make it move normally. Is there any way to resolve...
  16. G

    Fallout Portable

    I'm the proud owner of a Sony® PSP, and I've been toying with several emulators, NES, SNES, N64, PS, Sega, and so forth and so forth. I know of several Computer emulators, and I've been playing with the idea of converting such a emulator to the PSP, in order to play Fallout ON the PSP...