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  1. H

    Half of the Tactics team FIRED?? (duck and cover news articl

    "Thank you and farewell, Micro Forté - 9:20 PST - Kreegle So Fallout Tactics has gone gold. Huzzah! That must be good news, right? Not for the staff at Micro Forté. Half of the Fallout Tactics team was fired today. Artists, programmers, QA... and the reasons for it are unbelievably...
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    ALRIGHT FANATICS... LISTEN UP! (My 2 cents on the Power Armo

    Old armor: Clunky, huge, could NEVER make a realistic crawling and getting up from crawling animation, and when laying down, you'd probably be the size of a non-PA person just ducking. It was the personification of what RPG's are about (well, one of the things): to become a veritable god through...
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    (SWEET ASS ASCII PIC) Someone dedicated this to me at the SA I know it was generated with a program, but that still doesn't make that look any less cool. Thanks to Ajaarg at SomethingAwful for making this. - Hell Patrol -
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    Pictures displayed in game? How?

    I was playing the multiplayer demo today, and someone came in and displayed a picture on screen of the pip boy puking... anyone know how the hell do you DO that? - Hell Patrol -
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    Boredom + John Romero + Paint Shop Pro = Insanity

    [font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-01 AT 07:00AM (GMT)[p]I don't think this would go in the FanFic board, as these are almost completely void of Fallout content, so don't scream at me and make me squash the chimpanzee. "Nice shirt there, Johnny, what'cha eatin'?"...
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    Super goombas? Super Mutants = Goombas from the Super Mario Movie. That is all. - Hell Patrol -
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    (pic) The Children Hating Gestapo

    I just made my sig pic last night, and I'd be grateful for any comments/problems/critiques on my work. Well, got any? - Hell Patrol -
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    You are out of uniform, soldier! Where is your *power* armor Any thoughts on this? Is this a good or bad thing? Was Ralph Malph gay? - Hell Patrol -
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    Extracting character animations?

    Pardon me, good sirs, but I must adress a question. Would anyone know where to find the animation files for the leather armor/jacket's weapon attack animation and the child or brahmin death animations, and what program to use to convert them into separate frames in a format that I could load...
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    Anyone know where to get any game creators?

    I tried installing Klik n' Play (yeah, yeah, I know that thing sucks) and I can't get that piece of crap to work. You could never create any good games with that thing, anyways. I'm just asking if any of you know of any freeware game development tools out there on the net. I DID find an...
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    BOS Tactics Idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Read me!)

    [font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-15-00 AT 04:48AM (GMT)[p]First off, I'd like to say that I'm excited about it. I love the prospect of being able to interact with the fallout wasteland in a different manner. Well, here's my idea for the game : Release mapper (I think that is...
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    Well, I finally took 15 minutes and I got the damn Grenade launcher code in the game, tweaked,and tested it. There are 2 modes of fire, although no burst or aimed shots. You can either do a low range shot for 5 ap, or take 3 extra ap to aim it pretty high in the air for some extra range. I...
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    Unused things found in the Fallout 2 files(Interesting!)

    While looking through the *.frm files in the art/interface section of master.dat, i noticed there's some cool stuff that was left out. Heres a list of what I have found so far - Unarmed Attack : Death Blossom Kick Dragon Punch Force Punch Jump Kick Lightning Punch Roundhouse Kick...
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    Read my post in the General Discussion category on a petition for a level editor( I thought i should post a link to it here since this category directly deals with the petition I am proposing, so go give your feedback on my petition post...
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    Petition for Level Editor?

    What do you all think of the prospect of making a petition to Interplay on releasing their Fallout 2 developing tools? I'm not sure if this is correct, but I saw this posted on The Unknown Files's webpage : "From Interplay Q. Will there be an editor for Fallout 2? A .Fallout does not...
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    Stuff Fallout 3 HAS to be/have

    1.) A first person shooter. 2.) ...have Nuclear hand grenades, super duper mega atom rifle 3.) ...become Fallout Online. 4.) a multiplayer game in general 5.) in real time. 6.) just like Diablo but with Fallout stuff. 7.) like FF7 but with...
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    New Weapons

    Alright, since this board was just born and last discussions, I guess I'll start one on new weapons to give people stuff to post about and to kill time for me. I'm getting back into mod making now, and I think I'll make my first one just a basic weapons re-hash. I'd like some help thinking of...
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    Fallout Mod Making Info

    Since NMA doesn't have a mod section yet, and the Unknown Files mod making team died or something, I guess this could be the best place to turn to for mod making info. So if you have uncovered any unknown info on fallout mod making(like the info that I posted on the Unknown Files Mod Section...
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    WAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :-( Mod makers READ!

    ** THIS MESSAGE RELATES TO MODS FOR THE ORIGINAL FALLOUT SERIES, AND NOT HALF-LIFE, DUKE NUKEM, OR ANY OTHER GAME ** This forum reminds me of my super duper incredible dumb and amazing mod I made for Fallout 2!! A couple months ago, I took the time to download and learn how to hex edit and...