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  1. B


    What do you read? Cause i'm searching for something good, that is also non-anime in nature... What i've read so far: SMBC comics - some of the funnyest comics i've read Legostar Galactica PvP Order of the Stick The Noob comics Gone with the blastwave Roadwaffles Some post apoc...
  2. B


    Well, any tips about germany? I'll be living here for like 5 months to study. So if any of you live in germany or have ever been there, what do you think of the place? The west part, of course. Is there still a big difference between east and west? Do foreigners have any trouble fitting in?
  3. B

    What do you prefer? (forms of government)

    A correct dictatorship, in which there are fewer civil liberties, but where no one breaks the law, or a corrupt democracy?
  4. B

    Bottle caps

    I mean, can't one just make hundreds of them with a hand powered tool and some sheet metal? Wouldn't bottle cap engineering books make people that find them ultra rich?
  5. B

    Youtube freezes after 2 seconds of firefox.

    I'm using firefox 3 and when i play youtube videos they freeze after 2seconds. They all download fine, then i can browse wherever i want to any time in the video, but it plays only 2 seconds and then it stops. Nothing else freezes and everything works fine. I have Firefox 3 with the latest flash...
  6. B

    Icewind Dale 2 crashes randomly

    Well, i start playing the game (again) and it crashes at random. I've searched the nets for a solution, but all i found were people complaining of this problem. Then i searched using the text of the error message and i've found extensive discussions in polish or some other language. I've...
  7. B

    Nuclear WAR - like... right now?

    You're sitting at home, comfortably at your desk, browsing the forums, or at school or at work. Then you click on this topic to take a look. Suddenly, bang, nuclear blast outside, on the horizon. All power goes down and people start running and screaming on the streets. What do you do? I mean...
  8. B

    My computer goes *click*

    For real, there's no rad scorpion infestation going on here. I open it up and i hear click. Click. Or maybe a beep? A very short one... It's not the hard disks though. I dunno where it comes from, somewhere from the mainboard i guess, i gave up trying to locate it months ago. It happens in the...