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  1. B

    What happened to NMA's extensive download section in the last 10/12 years?

    Hey everyone, old ass member here, after more than a decade away from Fallout, i decided to come back to it after learning about wonderful projects like Fallout Nevada. I also decided to re-play FO1 and 2 again as well. So i came back to NMA and, to my suprise, most of the downloads here are...
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    Mass Effect 2 Collectors Edition on PlayAsia

    Soo..... i am going to buy ME2 CE on PlayAsia but theres is only this option to import it from: Asia, i am really newb in this stuff so guys: Does the game and Manual (bonus stuff) will be in english? i hope someone who already bought from asia can answer me. heres the link to the game...
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    Extreme noobish question about Steam

    Ok guys, i feel embarassed by asking this :oops: , but i never had this issue before, i own Empire Total War Special Forces and yesterday i found out about those small DLC's (just add new units to the game) for it on Steam. The issue is, will these DLC's work on my non-steam version of Empire...
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    World War 1 game

    So i played and finished a game called Darkest of Days in which you travel through time and some levels are in World War 1, i just loved the WW1 setting, the trenches, old weaponry, and so on (there is even a level where you go aboard a zeppelin). anyway, what i ask you guys is that you know...
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    Chinese Remnants HUH?

    ok so i recently replayed F3, last time i just did megaton and some other quests and then my HDD crashed, anyway this time i explored and found the ghouls called chinese ramnants and i was like WTF!?, first why they are still fighting for a lost cause after 200 years?? and why you cant (no...
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    Questions About Fallout 3

    I saw a while ago that fallout 3 will have "Dungeon" places in form of subway stations. so my questions are: 1-is it true? 2-(if yes) then it will have infinite numbers (respawning) critters? sorry if #2 cant be aswered yet but this is a major factor to me decide if i will buy the...
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    Where Is That Walkthrough

    I saw walkthrough about killaps restoration a long ago,i done some research and cant find it so i asking if any one can post the link of this walkthorugh. the walkthorough i mean is the one with new locations like EPA and Abbey.
  8. B

    restoration project for fallout 1

    hi this is my first topic (wow).i wold like to know if someone is currently making a mod/restoration project like killap did but to fallout 1 i think we all will like to play in vipers camp or go to the burrows