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  1. C

    Afterfall aiming for... 10 million preorders?

    Afterfall InSanity pre-order is being offered for $1. If they reach 10 million preorders, the full price of the game will stay at $1, and they will send the earnings to charity. Uhhh.. Okay. This is a very big "If", and given their track record this is almost as absurd as your common Nigerian...
  2. C

    Dark Engine (SS2, Thief) Source code leaked

    Apparently, the source code for the engine and modding tools of Thief 1/2 and System Shock 2 has been found on a second-hand bought HDD. Not sure how much it interests frequent visitors of NMA, but this is incredible news to fans of those games for all the new modding possibilities it offers...
  3. C

    Rage Trailer

    id Software showed a trailer of their upcoming game, Rage, at QuakeCon. It shows some gameplay footage as well. It looks pretty cool -- might be the first *interesting* game id has dished out in a very long while, by the...
  4. C

    Michael Jackson: Dead

    Or so they say. Any thoughts, obituaries, what have you?
  5. C

    So... Is Fallout 3 canon?

    Surprisingly, I couldn't find any thread discussing this. Neither Fallout: Tactics or Fallout: POS came with a "non-canon" sticker on them, yet they were quickly dismissed by the community - and subsequently the developers - as non-canon, given all of their contradictions. Interestingly...
  6. C

    Favorite Locations

    So, now that we've all explored the crap out of the Capital Wasteland... What are your favorite locations thus far? I must say I have really enjoyed the Capitol Building, where the Talon were fighting a horde of Muties and you just get caught in the crossfire. Fort Constantine was also one...
  7. C

    The Lore Mod

    I see threads all over this forum discussing the possibilities of making FO3 more "Fallouty", by adding the old weaponry, removing silly new things, renaming things to what they used to be, making SPECIAL matter, etc... .. I too have thought about all those things while playing TES:V-Fallout...
  8. C

    Major Storyline Defect??

    Alright, finished the game, done my share of sidequests... One (important!) question goes entirely unexplored in the game and totally boggles my mind. [spoiler:470068b182]Okay, so we weren't born in Vault 101. Our parents didn't live there either. ... How the hell did we get there...