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  1. TheGM

    Let me see your headcanons!

    We all got'em. let's whip them out and compare them. I for one have a whole slew of timeline headcanonry I cooked up out of boredom. here are a few. 20th Century. The 50's - Korean War ends strongly in united nation's favor with North Korea being smushed into a no man's land that serves as a...
  2. TheGM

    A Very special NMA Christmas special thread

    The following topic is meant for all the good little boys and girls of NMA and is a strictly a No Fedora Zone. All Fedoras can substitute the roasting of chestnuts with themselves roasting in HELL! It is that time of year when joy, mirth and merriment fill the air. Presents are exchanged with...
  3. TheGM

    So it is now the Year 2020.....

    So where the fuck are the flying cars at? What we expected. What we got.
  4. TheGM

    Going to start up a FO1 run, any mods I should check out?

    Never used anything other then the Kids mod since I had to(White Label version and all).
  5. TheGM

    Far Cry 3:Blood Dragon If anything was ever going to get me to pay attention to the Far Cry series, it would have to be something this rad.
  6. TheGM

    Having some trouble with Warhammer 40k Dark Crusade on Win 7

    I just got a new PC with windows 7 on it and reinstalled the game. And it can run it, but when I scroll across the screen the scrolling stutters. The games isn't stuttering underneath but the only the scrolling motion is off. I thought about trying to run this on Vista compatible mode(it was...
  7. TheGM

    CD/DVD RW rom isn't working.

    I'm running vista(you can use this space here to laugh at me) and my old dvd drive died. so I got a new one and this fucking thing won't work. I've been all over the google and that brings me back to microsoft telling me to edit my HKEY and deleting my upper and lower filters....I did and it...
  8. TheGM

    Need help uninstalling program.

    Ok. As far as I can tell the folder with the game Civ 4 was erased. I can't re-install the game since it is sorta there, and trying to uninstall gives me a error message. Error Code: -5004 : 0x80041f42 Error Information: *C:\Program Files\Common...
  9. TheGM

    Anybody here play Warhammer 40k?(the table minigame not pc)

    Me and my brother have been looking into playing Warhammer 40k. We have a Games-Workshop right down the street too. It i just that we both want to get familiar with the rules and play styles before we make the purchase the starter kit and what not. is there a place on the net that has a...