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  1. Plautus

    Supposed Spoilers from /v/

    According to this thread on v the story of the game goes like this: I hope to God that the anons posting these are lying out their asses because if they're telling the truth, Bethesda have succeeded at writing the dumbest thing in gaming history.
  2. Plautus

    Hate Newspapers Thread

    I thought it would be a good idea to centralize all NMA discussion about the hatred of newspapers. I think that Protagonist Man hates newspapers (as we see in the video) because of what happens between the prologue and the main game footage we saw in the E3 demo. Vault 111 was actually a...
  3. Plautus

    Ban This Sick Liberal Propaganda, Or How Fallout 4 Made Me Gay

    Once again, my fellow Americans, it's evident how HOLLYWOOD and the LAME STREAM MEDIA are attempting to corrupt us with their sick filth. I was a fan of the original Fallouts because they were an effective avenue for me to simulate my disdain for women and you didn't have to worry about making...
  4. Plautus

    A (Minor?) Case for Optimism?

    I'm not sure how well-received this post will be given my audience; however, I'm still coming from the perspective of a skeptic. Despite the massive quality downgrade from Morrowind to Oblivion, we have evidenced Bethesda improving their general game making skills from Oblivion to the Dragonborn...
  5. Plautus

    Praise for the Metro!

    I'm going through the reduxes for Metro 2033 and Metro Last light and I find them to be two of the best first person games I've ever played. I find that a lot of first person shooters like, say, Halo can get tiring quickly because the shooting is the only mechanic. The stealth, exploration, and...
  6. Plautus

    I know it was my fault, but still...

    I was significantly younger (obviously) when I first played Fallout 3 and so I had thoroughly positive memories of it. Unfortunately, the disc for my original copy has fallen into disrepair and I hate GFWL, so I picked up the GOTY on steam, ready to relive some nice memories. Mother of mercy...
  7. Plautus

    Pipe Dream: Fo4 as Sequel to NV

    It'll never happen, but as I'm concurrently replaying New Vegas and Wasteland 2, I've begun to imagine what a title truer to the Fallout name would be. I'm rather busy and it's not all fleshed out, but here are some story concepts and areas I've been thinking of. The Skinny: You're a monk...
  8. Plautus

    Disappointing Writing (Spoilers)

    I was really excited for W2 to come out and that I stayed away from early access just made me even more excited. Of course, going in I did not expect the game to be "Fallout, but with--" but also did not know exactly what to expect given Wasteland 1 was, well, significantly before my time. A...
  9. Plautus

    The REAL prize of Dead Money

    I remember talking to a Fallout 3 fan right after Dead Money came out. He warned me, "Don't get Dead Money, it's stupid and it crashes, and you don't even get to keep the reward at the end!" Two months later, I boguht Dead Money and loved every second of it. That said, so much of the criticism...
  10. Plautus

    Ideas for Re-Visiting Shady Sands (In New Vegas)

    I posted this as a blog on "The Vault" and thought I'd share it here as well. Well, I love DLC as much as the next man, and I've been thinking about what I would like to see in a content pack. Here's an idea I've been throwing around in my head for a while. Premise: You have been sent to...
  11. Plautus

    Fallout 2 Resolution issues

    Hello, Recently, I installed Fallout 2's newest resolution modification, and I have been encountering problems with scrolling outside of maps. I opened the .ini file and tried to reset the map scroll boundaries, and I reinstalled the patch, but to no avail. Could somebody please suggest how...
  12. Plautus

    Caesar's Legion Reimagined

    I've spent a great deal of time on Fallout: New Vegas, and the more I play and analyze the game, the more I realize that the NCR is the game's principal faction and the Legion is nothing more than a group of ugly, poorly dressed, obviously evil people against whom people who don't pay attention...
  13. Plautus

    Repeated Crashes

    Hello, I have played Fallout: New Vegas for over 200 hours now (yeah, I should find something better to do...) without crashes as too much of a problem; however, as of now, I crash consistently within about one minute of game play. Currently, I am in the Presidential Suite of The Tops, and...
  14. Plautus

    Fallout Games Personified

    Just as a little joke, I decided to figure our what the Fallout games would be if they were people, which is to say: to take the tone, writing and general style of each game and compare it to a human archetype. This is just a joke, and not meant to be sincere at all. Fallout 1: An ex-Army...
  15. Plautus

    Idea for an expansion pack

    -I wasn't sure whether to post this in new game ideas or New Vegas discussion; however, since it isn't for a new game, I thought here would be the more prudent choice.- Anyhow, I was thinking about ideas for an expansion to New Vegas that would add color to all the factions in the game, and...
  16. Plautus

    Fallout: Commonwealth

    Hello, Fallout community. I've been playing the game for years now, but this is my first time on the Forums. I was thinking about what a good Fallout spin-off would be, and I thought of this little piece. It's set in the post-nuclear Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The plot is as follows...