Search results

  1. Walpknut

    Project Mikoto + FCO

    Hi, so I got back into playing New vegas moded. I plan on retaking my Black Dynamite playthrough but I am having an issue with making the custom races added by FCO and Dragbody's overhaul mods being able to use the hair included in Project Mikoto. I found an "Auto patcher" but that one seems...
  2. Walpknut

    Out of Body experience

    So to make it short, I got into Diamond city for the first time on this save, went directly for the Weapon Crafting station and started using it, then the Piper and her sister cutscene started playing while I was in carfting mode which got really freaky so I exited the crafting station but now...
  3. Walpknut

    So in the end, what was even the point of the Synths?

    Like the title says, what was the point of their inclussion at all? And I don't just mean in-universe, I mean narratively. Their precense never amounted to anything other than Railroad radiant quests, the Institute kidnapping people and replacing them with Synths similarly went nowhere and the...
  4. Walpknut

    Pip-boy App

    Honest Question, how many of you are even using the Pipboy app? This goes even for those who like the game. Are you finding any use for it? I still don't see the point of it, does it actually have a real time effect? Is it in any way better than just hitting Hotkeys (I guess if it works 100% it...
  5. Walpknut

    I can't pull up the Console Commands.

    As the Title says, I just can't pull up the Console Commands. Everything online says is the same key as always but it's not working for me. The Controls also don't list the Console key like they did before but I have seen people on youtube being able to pull it up just fine. Anyone having the...
  6. Walpknut

    My long and pointless exercise on thinking a Rework of the Skill System.

    My long and pointless exercise on thinking a Rework of the Skill System that doesn't involve stupid removals of entire Mechanics. Okay so here goes my attempt at reworking and expanding the Skill system without removing it like Bethesda did, my take is obviously not perfect and you are welcome...
  7. Walpknut

    Thread of loose ideas for locations, factions, etc. users invited to post theirs too.

    Okay so I thought that instead of having a thousand threads about every faction we all think up we should have a thread in here just to shoot shit and share our own ideas for Future Fallout games, give feedback and maybe some interminglign of ideas to make our little messes messier. Now I doubt...
  8. Walpknut

    Good Power Armor retexture Mods?

    Well it's very simple, I am looking for a mod that gives betetr textures to all the Power Armors in the game. Now I used to have one a long time ago that I liked very much, but for the life of me I just can't find anymore anywhere. All the mods I can find do things like giving Camo patterns to...
  9. Walpknut

    Walpknut's somewhat Improved Chicken Scratches.

    So, previously I uploaded a bunch of drawings I was doing with my recently acquired Wacom. Now I think I have improved somewhat. I have been practicing with the anatomy and Spaces. First on for Backgrounds and characters on them. No much but I am already getting to not just having characters in...
  10. Walpknut

    If I made that game...

    Many of us have waited months for a game, followed news, read on it, got hyped up and the like. Maybe it was a Sequel to a series dear to our hearts, maybe it was a genre we like that isn't as exposed to the public. Maybe is adapting material we love... And then it comes out, a lot of...
  11. Walpknut

    Walpknut Doodles Reloaded

    So, I posted some pencil doodles a few years back. Now I have acquired the magnificent WACOM BAMBOO TABLET (the cheapest good Tablet) so now I can actually do something with my drawings that I couldn't do with just scanner and mouse. It's kind of preposterus that I wanted to become an...
  12. Walpknut

    Black Dynamite in New Vegas (LABOUR DAY UPDATE)

    Reading Toront Rayne LP thread made me want to make my own. This one Based around Black Dynamite from the Movie and Cartoon. Played on very Hard, Hardcore mode on, with exactly 122 Mods running. Strating at Level 10 with a Ranger Sequioia and Brass Knuckles. INDEX: EPISODE2...
  13. Walpknut

    DLC Play order.

    Well thsi is gonna be a simple topic, like the title says, in what order do you think the DLCs should be played? not release order I mean, but how do you think the experience would feel more natural? and why? This is my Order: Honest Hearts, it's the mroe stad alone one, but it gives you a...
  14. Walpknut

    Weird Glitch I am not levelign up at all

    So yeah, I started a new run just to pass the time, I am already getting Primm a new Sheriff, killed a good number of critters and raiders btu I suddenly realsied that I am not levelign up or receiving experience at all, I am stuck at level 2, the little arrow isn't even sliding on the Level...
  15. Walpknut

    Fallout: Vault Landing

    So, I posted a topic with my idea in a very primitive state before, nobody payign too much attention to that one I think editing it would just be useless so I am amking a new Thread with the reworked Idea, piece by piece. Lets Start with the Basic idea: The goal of making Vaults was for the...
  16. Walpknut

    Dead Money worst ending ending (spoilers)

    Well I just finished Dead Money, I liked it a lot, specially ELijah's subtle Take That against people complaining about the quest marker, but now reading on the Vault, aparently there is a "Side With ELijah, Doom the World" ending, but I just couldn't find a way for Elijah to talk to me, he...
  17. Walpknut

    Fallout: Colony

    Well this idea hit me the other day, I was just playing some Fallout 2 and then I got this idea. The goverment in the Fallout universe planed the Vaults as a experiment to see how isolation could affect different kinds of human societies to prepare for the spacial peregrination. but just...
  18. Walpknut

    Was an unanounced patch just released?

    Well I just launched New Vegas a moment ago and the update window poped up, but I didn't see any notification of a new patch, anyone knows what this is?
  19. Walpknut

    Steam question.

    Well I am trying to install my copy of New Vegas in another PC I have, a PC that is also shared with my Newphew, now I already Installed New Vegas on my home pc, is there a problem if I just use my steam account from the other pc to install my game in that other one is is perfectly permited? If...
  20. Walpknut

    Walpknut Doodles.

    So, I draw, yes, I am not that good, but I am not that bad, I think I do pretty well but I still have a long way to go, I have a Deviant art account I haven't updated it recently, I mostly got fed up by peopel using DA more liek another fuckign facebook, I mean...