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  1. Deathclaw Chameleon


    Before I dare upload this to Youtube; I'm going around the forums and asking what users think of my new piece. It's an experiment of sorts, but this is just a jumpstart. Taskmaster's my chosen music name thus I have made more pieces. I will focus on many genres which include trance, techno and...
  2. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Chameleon: Broken Memories

    This fan-fic is based on my character from Old Glory; Chameleon. It will discuss more into his past life before he joined up for the merc group but not too much to ruin or spoil the plot. Intro Chapter No name. Chameleon couldn't remember a name anyway, but the dark mirrored glass maks he...
  3. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Fate's Lullaby

    This is only for myself and Sin Angel to write in. It was dark, and Cornelius set his eyes under his dark hat at the brahmin in front of him. Two indivuduals occupied it, and Darkhound was on a mission to capture them; dead or alive. He readied his holster, and muttered under his breath...
  4. Deathclaw Chameleon

    D/C and Sin Angel's Character Thread only!

    This is the thread for mine and Sin's characters and ideas for our upcoming co-op story.
  5. Deathclaw Chameleon

    OMAT: Favourite Martial Arts Movie

    OMAT=Official Martial Arts Thread What are your favourite martial art movies? Also, feel free to post any videos or trailers and talk anything MA movie related.
  6. Deathclaw Chameleon

    The Official Martial Arts Thread

    Hi people, I have been distant for quite a while, as I have been called by fellow family. This topic is for discussion about martial arts, such as what are your favourite martial arts? Do you practice any? Talk about anything martial art related except movies (seperate topic). Me, I practice...
  7. Deathclaw Chameleon

    New Vegas: Darkness Falls

    New Vegas, home of fortune, and the place of divinity. Or so people thought, that's where they would gamble their lives away and come out with nothing but their underwear. That's where luck can be scaled from thirteen black cats to a 21 leaf clover. Still, that's where life started for a lot of...
  8. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Dark Days

    This is the official IC thread, though no-one's bothered to join (trying make me upset or what?) The options still there. As I said, we all start outside the strip, try get in then meet there someway or another. Post characters in the OOC ASAP. Old characters will do, any character will do, even...
  9. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Darkness Falls OOC

    EDIT: okay, The offical dark days will be deleted, and this is the OOC for Darkness Falls. I hope the new intro to darkness falls was better than Dark days, so I hope that goes well. If you're tied in with blood ties then I understand as I know how amazing that is and you've probably got...
  10. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Fallout Online Platform

    Does anyone know if Fallout Online's just going to be for PC? Thanks.
  11. Deathclaw Chameleon

    What should Future Fallouts be like?

    I was wondering about what future fallouts should be like; these new fallouts such as 3 and NV are certainly great and hold a lot of depth, but they don't seem to be as varied as the old ones, so I was wondering that they could combine the excellent depth of the old ones while keeping gameplay...
  12. Deathclaw Chameleon

    New Vegas part of the actual story canon?

    Does New Vegas actually fit into the Fallout storyline? Say if it did, how would it work? Say if you decided to enslave all of the Mojave with the legion; would that data go into the next gam perhaps? What are your thoughts?
  13. Deathclaw Chameleon

    The Awesome Foursome; Decision Of The Protagonisst

    Ok, so there's a lot of opinions of who the good guys and bad guys are in FNV, personally I prefer NCR to legion, cause they're not as malicious. The NCR try to do what's best but they don't and they cause a lot of problems. At least they aint racist for that matter as there are Ghouls that have...
  14. Deathclaw Chameleon

    Anyone still play Fallout Tactics multiplayer?

    Does Anyone still play Tactics multiplayer? I look on Gamespy Arcade but there's never any servers or people willing to play. Does anyone know if there's if there's any other places to find the servers? I found the singleplayer extremely engrossing and found myself stuck into it. I played the...