What should Future Fallouts be like?

Deathclaw Chameleon

Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I was wondering about what future fallouts should be like; these new fallouts such as 3 and NV are certainly great and hold a lot of depth, but they don't seem to be as varied as the old ones, so I was wondering that they could combine the excellent depth of the old ones while keeping gameplay of these new ones. One example is that vehicles could be adde, but only a few. That would be a gamble as it could ruin the game for many. Another is weather conditions, a bit of rain there and here or perhaps some snow. We could also have the fact of being able to recruit more than one person in your team and have a crew of 5 for your exciting adventures but not as to ruin the gameplay by making it seem easy. Another great feature would be to add one mode devoted to online multiplayer, that would be amazing, maybe not for going through single player with a gang of heroes but perhaps for battling against others and creating hideouts. And how about more character customisation? Such as being able to define your character more with hairstyles and more features. And perhaps being able to selct your own race aka ghouls or maybe even a Deathclaw (the chances of that) could add much more variety to the game. Am I right in these decisions or am I perhaps thinking too forward into this? Anyone who disagrees is more than welcome to comment. Thank you :)
Deathclaw Chameleon said:
. Another is weather conditions, a bit of rain there and here or perhaps some snow

I wanted to single this one out because it is undoubtedly my favorite idea in that post. Although, were I to ask a Djinn to magically create any kind of Fallout game with a wave of his hand, it would be (besides that Fallout: new Cairo idea I keep talking about) a remake of Fallout done in the game-play style of that game stalker
That could be good as well, it all depends on what's in the developer's mind so they could create any type of game next. Hopefully they won't run out of ideas so that they become shabby. Maybe they could make it in another country as well? :)
Deathclaw Chameleon said:
Maybe they could make it in another country as well? :)

Well that would be really cool But unfortunately if they did put in in another country it would probably be the UK or something
True, it should be somewhere like brazil though, it could have a better climate. But the UK could be cool, you could revisit Big Ben and use it as a sniping post or something :P
Sabirah said:
Deathclaw Chameleon said:
. Another is weather conditions, a bit of rain there and here or perhaps some snow

I wanted to single this one out because it is undoubtedly my favorite idea in that post. Although, were I to ask a Djinn to magically create any kind of Fallout game with a wave of his hand, it would be (besides that Fallout: new Cairo idea I keep talking about) a remake of Fallout done in the game-play style of that game stalker
Stalker? I don't know, I really like the Stalker games, but Fallout is a RPG and it should stay one.
FPS games can never be full RPGs just because you can't get them completely independent from the player's skill.
What bothers me about the new Fallouts is that they are so close quartered. Everything is ridiculously small, because it would suck to walk around a whole state in real time.
The only game I can remember that fused first person perspective and realistically sized maps was Daggerfall.
If it had to be done in first person, it should be a really big world with real distances between the locations.
Of course, fast travel (world map with random encounters) would be a must.
The problem is the combat. How do you get turn based combat into first person?
It would be kinda weird to have TB combat all acted out while in first person perspective.
Sabirah said:
Deathclaw Chameleon said:
. Another is weather conditions, a bit of rain there and here or perhaps some snow

I wanted to single this one out because it is undoubtedly my favorite idea in that post. Although, were I to ask a Djinn to magically create any kind of Fallout game with a wave of his hand, it would be (besides that Fallout: new Cairo idea I keep talking about) a remake of Fallout done in the game-play style of that game stalker

No problem with the idea, just the name? Would it be called New Cairo? In the west coast most of the cities don't retain their old names. LA is called the Boneyard, for example. People forget names from the old world, and create names for the New World. Being the capital of egypt, cairo would've most certainly been hit, much like the rest of the world. I would like to see a new original name for it, in my opinion. Maybe the locals using different names for the landmarks, such as the sphinx, and the pyramids.
True Hassknecht, TB could be problematic. There could always be the possibility of having the option to switch from First-person perspective to a bird's eye view like the old ones, though that could probably be hard to do.
Hassknecht said:
Sabirah said:
Deathclaw Chameleon said:
. Another is weather conditions, a bit of rain there and here or perhaps some snow

I wanted to single this one out because it is undoubtedly my favorite idea in that post. Although, were I to ask a Djinn to magically create any kind of Fallout game with a wave of his hand, it would be (besides that Fallout: new Cairo idea I keep talking about) a remake of Fallout done in the game-play style of that game stalker
Stalker? I don't know, I really like the Stalker games, but Fallout is a RPG and it should stay one.
FPS games can never be full RPGs just because you can't get them completely independent from the player's skill.
What bothers me about the new Fallouts is that they are so close quartered. Everything is ridiculously small, because it would suck to walk around a whole state in real time.
The only game I can remember that fused first person perspective and realistically sized maps was Daggerfall.
If it had to be done in first person, it should be a really big world with real distances between the locations.
Of course, fast travel (world map with random encounters) would be a must.
The problem is the combat. How do you get turn based combat into first person?
It would be kinda weird to have TB combat all acted out while in first person perspective.

That would be a challenge. I thought a way of working around that would be a hybrid system. One "map" would be the size of point lookout. Once you walked outside of that map, it would show a large map of the region (like in Fallout's one and two) That way it could still be first person (Which I like better than isometric IMO) and cover huge distances like the old games.

No problem with the idea, just the name? Would it be called New Cairo? In the west coast most of the cities don't retain their old names. LA is called the Boneyard, for example. People forget names from the old world, and create names for the New World. Being the capital of egypt, cairo would've most certainly been hit, much like the rest of the world. I would like to see a new original name for it, in my opinion. Maybe the locals using different names for the landmarks, such as the sphinx, and the pyramids.

Oh the name is just a concept thing. I honestly wouldn't like it if it was actually called New Cairo. My main point was it would be cool (IMO) if there was a Fallout game set in the middle east.
Sabirah said:
That would be a challenge. I thought a way of working around that would be a hybrid system. One "map" would be the size of point lookout. Once you walked outside of that map, it would show a large map of the region (like in Fallout's one and two) That way it could still be first person (Which I like better than isometric IMO) and cover huge distances like the old games.
Well, Daggerfall managed huge distances with a single map (although it was mostly random generated). Daggerfall was about twice the size of Great Britain and if you took a few months time you could actually walk from one side of the gameworld to the other.
I'm pretty sure that this size could be managed today, too.
In Daggerfall you traveled with a world map, of course. All locations were accessible from the beginning (about 15000 towns, villages and dungeons).
Switching to a bird's eye perspective for combat is a possible solution, but I think it's just awkward. I don't know, it just doesn't seem right.
What I'd imagine is a bird's eye perspective with the ability to go into first person mode whenever you want.
Modern PCs are more than capable of delivering that.
A randomly generated wasteland with fixed locations scattered throughout... Pretty much like the original games.
Outside of combat there'd be the world map available with "slow" travel like in the original games so one can plan routes and have random encounters.
Well, won't happen.
Well these are good ideas nevertheless, still, we'll have to see what the developers have in mind. Hopefully they might take ideas like these into careful consideration. I'm just going to wait and see..
Seriously, Chameleon, paragraphs are your friend.

Variable weather would be fine. Vehicles would be acceptable as fast-travel portals; you could still walk to places, but most areas wouldn't support vehicle travel and using them as fast travel would also make fast travel a whole lot less gay.

Sabriah is basically hitting upon my idea, which I've discussed previously in this forum. It'd work well within the engine, which Bethesda is likely to reuse, or atleast a newer version of the engine.

Changing races will likely never work due to how radically different it would require play styles and openings to be.

Online play will likely be largely ignored and delegated solely to Fallout Online. Bethesda would never want to risk changing their "perfect single player experience" or whatever the fuck they go on about.

An isometric viewpoint will pretty much never return outside of some sort of fan made engine/mod of some other game.
Ahh yes, that'd work well. I never knew about Fallout Online until yesterday though so I hadn't a clue about the online. And yes, paragraphs are my friends :P
Here are some things I would like to see in future Fallouts:

1) Go back to isometric view. We have enough FPS games. Isometric can be modern, see Dragon Age 1.

2) Make skills matter again, and put the cap back to 300 rather then 100. If you have 25 gun skill you shouldn't be able to hit the broad side of a barn.

3) Make the game difficult. Fallout 3/NV were way too easy. Challenge is a good thing.
I like your idea,Cruor34.Bringing back old school Fallout.But I fear that the only way thats going to happen is if Beth put Fallout 1 & 2 on Handhelds or put them on Xbox Live Arcade or PSN.(you know,when its not being hacked into.good luck with that).I would like to have a Fallout RTS set during the resource wars.Get in touch with a world before the Great War,see Deathclaws on our side for a change.
talking deathclaws are ok by me as rare npcs, ghouldom and mutantdom reachable by quests ,even with limited dialog after, space stations and moon bases for locations, and more robots. also bring back vehicles and classic fast travel with encounters. weather also welcome.
I'd like to see them drop this multiple Ammo type business and implement things like the M203 on the M16 or melee like Buttstroking/bayonets
Ben said:
A GOOD game about Texas

I am trying to come up with a good idea for a concept.
Those who know me longer know that in the past I have already tried to come up with a good concept for a Fallout campaign in Texas that could be turned into a mod or something.

One thing that is on my mind is when I think about this is if if I should include the ideas of FOBOS that I did actually like (amongst the pile of crap that it was), or completely ignore everything.

I would like to make a possible Texas campaign that sort of builds on on the campaign of Fallout New Vegas (not same main characters, more the aftermath of the NCR-CL war).