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  1. zegh8578


    What happens to you?
  2. zegh8578

    Let's settle this

    Apparently, this is a goddamn controversy even at the highest level, so - let's poll!
  3. zegh8578

    Allure of the mustache

    If you are a man, you have considered growing a mustache; and the only real matter of contention is how much you ever considered it - was it a fleeting moment, was it a long life dream? And if you ever grew one - was it not just a beard shave, in a joking mood? Maybe you left a Hitler-stache...
  4. zegh8578

    Poll: Where do you draw the line, when snuffing out a life?

    We all swat a fly, a mosquito at least. Some of us get very Dr. Doolittle-y, and personally, I've let a gnat or two drink its fill, before I start killing again. My grandpa once shouted at me for smashing ants, when I was a lil kid, but we also went fishing together, while he always emphasized a...
  5. zegh8578


    Some people are born with a debilitating mutation causing cilantro to taste like soap, sometimes overpoweringly so. I am one of them, and I have no choice but to carry this burden, as there exists no cure - at least for the time being. With raised awareness, focus and research initiatives, maybe...
  6. zegh8578

    Hominoidea, rundown

    Cus why not. I share here with you my own unsourced little "cladogram" of Hominoidea, but first, some points. 1. Why? Cus many people, even those with an interest in the subject, tend to not be aware of how complex it is. So - here's how complex it is! Taxonomically, at least. 2. How? Well, I...
  7. zegh8578

    Gaming pet peeves

    What are your gaming pet peeves? Do you have a list off the top of your head? Are there things you don't think about, untill it happens, and you go roll your eyes all the way around your head? One mechanical pet peeve of mine is the forced auto-save/checkpoint-save. Often the intention seems to...
  8. zegh8578

    What's the deal with Highwayman and fuel?

    Doing a replay, and getting an issue I had many, many times before: My character refuses to refuel the highwayman, getting *into* the car instead of fueling it. Tried getting to another position, in case the exit-grid was blocking access, and now my character gets into the trunk instead - still...
  9. zegh8578

    I made a map-thing

    Disclaimer: TAKE WITH A BIG FAT GRAIN OF SALT PLZ! Population counts range from estimates to sheer fucking guesswork, but should give *a certain* impression. Squares indicate powerful city-state, circle indicates a city that might not necesarily be very influential or powerful at the time. I've...
  10. zegh8578

    Um, does anybody know about speakers/headphones here?

    I've been trying to Google the problem for a few weeks now, but god fucking damnit, I have run out of search terms that does not translate into Google trying to sell me shit... and now I'm getting desperate so - here is the issue: Some instruments go mute. I know some songs well, and the...
  11. zegh8578

    Ever had a nice ol' airplane scare?

    I'm not particularily afraid of flying, but I'm a hyper-realist, so I'm always very aware, no matter my travel method. I'm in fact at my most nervous in a car, precisely because of the statistical likelyhood of getting killed or maimed, and I am very aware if a driver is being sloppy or...
  12. zegh8578

    Steam-related stability issues? (GTA in particular)

    My brother bought GTA V for his super-duper laptop, and it runs perfectly for hours on end whenever playing without an internet connection. As soon as internet is connected, it crashes every couple of minutes. I tried googling the issue, but people are ass-hats, and they´re all trying to play...
  13. zegh8578

    Walked almost 10 kilometres today, snapped some pix

    Look, a bee! In my attempt at getting a good shot w my shitty phone-cam, I ended up getting an adorable little jump! I love this about plants - usually thistles are like, knee high - but given the right conditions, they'll just grow into these monstrous beings - this one was at least 3 metres...
  14. zegh8578

    Learning about turtle

    I'm taking care of a turtle for a friend of my stepmother Last year she asked me, on her friend's behalf, but I had a lot on my plate, and declined. I immediate felt bad, maybe cus of how my stepma put it, in the request - "the most adorable little turtle" What kind of asshole declines to care...
  15. zegh8578

    Let's riot! (For slow computers, don't even open!)

    Americans like to riot! BURN IT DOWN! Canadians riot too! Policia on fire in Mexico! Ayayay! Riots in Lima! Colombia, Venezuela - even Argentina riots: Few can riot like Brazil! Even in the Carribean they riot! All of Scandinavia - riot, riot, riot! Shit, even Iceland riots: How...
  16. zegh8578

    Gimme a couple of thoughts plz (gun-design)

    This is the rough result of attempting to blend the old Makarov, with modern FN 5.7 and Vektor CP This truly is the coward's way out when it comes to designing futuristic weaponry. It's supposed to be a "standard issued"-type service handgun, but... it's supposed to be deep, DEEP into the...
  17. zegh8578

    Anyone writes fiction? I got a little philosophical conundrum

    When do you do your job as a writer and author, and actually write and decribe an event in your fiction, versus merely alluding to it having happened, if the situation is such that the reader could easily guess the course of events by themselves. Do you drop it, in this case, letting the reader...
  18. zegh8578

    Where you live yo? Show us

    I went up in an observation tower/restaurant today, I've been there once or twice as a kid, then sort of ignored it as just a background detail, it's just an "iconic" landmark to most, but, took my girlfriend there cus she's new to the city (and the country, for that matter), which forces me to...
  19. zegh8578

    Look what I got

    Everybody loves playing the bad guy :V hava nagila havaaa nagila Allready I got a Challenger II, Leopard II and Japanese Type 90, all of them painted Unfortunately, over time, the mounted machinegun on the Challenger has broken off, and the Leopard II tracks are broken... this shit is what...
  20. zegh8578

    Anyone else on a PS4 run into this storage issue?

    I'm downloading an update for a game, and it says "not enough space" - so I go online, and people go "you need at least twice the disk-space available", good, I knew that, so... I take it this update is 3200 GB's then, since having over 1600 GB free space is clearly way too little? I check a...