Search results

  1. Meurzh

    RPGs/Create your own character games with a Japanese theme?

    I may or may not have decided to buy For Honor because I really liked the character models and (video) gameplay of the characters, especially the Orochi. However, my experience with the game may or may not have been much more lackluster than I had hoped. The gameplay is what bothers me the...
  2. Meurzh

    What is it with Bethesda and nonsensical settlements?

    This has to be a trope in their 'Fallout' games. In Fallout 4, we have Diamond City and Goodneighbor. If any kind of sense is to be made (and it's not), these settlements should never have stood a chance. The most obvious threat should be the legions upon legions of super mutants, especially...
  3. Meurzh

    Music that you associate with FNV

    ...or Fallout in general. I'm not really talking about 50s music in general (but that's fine if that's what you usually think of), but any kind of music (pop, rock, etc) that you've listened to while playing Fallout or made you think of Fallout (and NV in particular). One artist in particular...
  4. Meurzh

    What is the point of the Children of Atom?

    Yesterday I explored Fallout 4 quite a bit and came across them a few times. I never really understood their point other than they use 'radiation guns' and are generally crazy.
  5. Meurzh

    Fallout 2 on Mac?

    I've been searching high and low for a version that can be run on Mac of Fallout 2. I've actually found links on here and on Reddit of GOG's Fallout 2, saying that it was Mac compatible. However, when I looked on the compatible systems section of the game's page, it only had the Windows icon and...
  6. Meurzh

    How do you feel about the change in gameplay style from the original Fallouts?

    As in how it changed from being isometric, turn based to being a third person type of game? Personally, I like it purely because that is my preferred style of gaming. I loved exploring in New Vegas and the more personal feel it gave. Now, I'm not bashing the old style. In fact, I've actually...