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  1. CaptJ

    The Legality of Using S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

    I avoided making this thread because it might go under "stupid questions thread" or "I'm not your lawyer." territory. However, I had a different idea floating in my head and I think this might help me get my thoughts in order. Can Bethesda sue someone for using SPECIAL? It did sue Mojang for...
  2. CaptJ

    Controller + Mouse Setup?

    What is this setup even called? I heard some people using this setup for games like Overwatch. I never played Overwatch but I get the appeal of playing games this way. I wanted to use this setup for Hotline Miami but the game just assumes that I'm constantly switching between keyboard+mouse and...
  3. CaptJ

    Problems with the Video Game Industry

    Everybody knows that there is something wrong with the video game industry but what is the actual problem with it? TransgenderVaultDeweller made a thread touching this but it was mostly about the "Death of a Hobby". What I am doing is closer to a post-mortem. I would categorize the problems to...
  4. CaptJ

    Fan Epilogues for FO2 Characters

    We all know what happened to characters like Marcus and Myron but what about the others? This is what I got in the Fallout Bible. We already got some idea of what happen to Cassidy with FO:NV but what happens to everyone else is a mystery. This is my interpretation. John Cassidy After a while...