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  1. Black Angel

    Freezes on main menu

    I need some help with my modded game. The main menu is loaded, or at least it tried to load, and then it just freeze. It happens right after I installed Viva New Vegas's Gameplay module, whereas before it was just fine and loaded normally. Even played through it and it was fine, too. Here's my...
  2. Black Angel

    RPGs can become much more “radical” but hardcore players are “resistant to change”, says Obsidian

    I'm surprised @PlanHex hasn't posted any Codex-related stuff like this yet, but probably it's been awhile since his last reposting. And this has probably been discussed in the Discord, but here it goes: Personally...
  3. Black Angel

    Fallout 4 : The Myth of Mainstream needing a 'DUMB DOWN'

    It's like he forgot he made all those rant videos on how way too many aspect of this shit got worse. Since when did Beth ever "listened to the criticism people had been throwing at all their games"?
  4. Black Angel

    State of RPG Writing by RPG Codex member

    Pretty recently RPG Codex posted an article by one of their member regarding state of RPG writing. An excerpt I copy-pasted from their discussion thread on the article: I haven't exactly read the article, but I've skimmed through the posts discussing the case study and it's pretty interesting...
  5. Black Angel

    Help me get started with PnP

    To make long story short, I'm a newfag to the whole cRPG genre. My only encounter with RPGs in my childhood was mostly JRPGs, like Radiata Stories, Sword of Mana, Final Fantasy (specifically FFXII), etc etc. I remembered playing a Wizardry game on PS2, so it's probably my first and only...
  6. Black Angel

    Krai Mira - Officially released (07/11/16)

    So apparently Krai Mira finally find its way out of Early Access yesterday. Anyone here tried it? Back in EA or now that it's officially released?
  7. Black Angel

    What exactly change and what can you do after the ending?

    I haven't played Fallout 4. One thing that the fans has been boasting about Fallout 4 is the ability to play after the ending. So what actually change and what can you actually do after the ending? Aside from wrapping up the DLCs, the rest of the side-quests and exploring the dungeons...
  8. Black Angel

    "Sidequests and other distractions: the erosion of meaning in CRPG quests"

    Just found this gem on the Codex, which in turn was found from here. Your thoughts? Personally, I think New Vegas did Main Quest-Side Quest relationship right, but only thanks to little to no urgency due to the nature of the story, where the political tension were in an indefinite, or rather...