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  1. R.Graves

    i'm trying to play fallout 4 and its miserable

    i did like maybe half a playthrough 10 years ago lets try again out of the gate it doesnt launch properly and forces my mouse away from the taskbar. an even worse red herring than my first playthrough nearly ten years ago when my pipboy disappeared right after picking it up. second launch...
  2. R.Graves

    Why are there no fallout comics?

    its a setting begging to have endless miniseries or maybe even on ongoing in the comic book world cyberpunk 2077 has like 8 miniseries already dark souls and bloodborne have official comics assassins creed borderlands call of duty and dead space deus ex, devil may cry, dragon age, mass effect...
  3. R.Graves

    What makes a show dated and not a period piece?

    people often refer to things as dated as a form of criticism or an excuse to dismiss shows or movies. im rewatching the sopranos right now and it very obviously isnt set today. in fact characters explicitly state its the 1990s/1999 om several occasions in the first season. in this way couldnt...
  4. R.Graves

    They're gonna fuck it up so bad (silent hill 2 Remake) its already a bad look to have your remake helmed by a literal who developer (i guess it panned out for the dead space remake but still) but this is genuinely the worst thing they...
  5. R.Graves

    Movie theme songs?

    I dont mean like iconic orchestral stuff I mean like genuine themsong with lyrics and stuff. Kind of like a tv show. Movies used to do this a lot but kind of dont anymore and I miss it. Here are the examples I could think of And house of 1000 corpses Anybody know of any others?
  6. R.Graves

    Top Ten Things That Should Be Illegal but Somehow Aren't

    1. Cropping any media from 4:3 to 16:9. It always looks terrible. It makes me feel claustrophobic. Why the fuck. 2. Needless censorship. Why in the hell do people feel the need to sanitize everything to the point that it loses all personality? 3. Having literally any opinion that mutantscalper...
  7. R.Graves

    Unfinished games that are actually good?

    The top 3 that immediately spring to my mind are Final Fantasy XV, Metal Gear Solid V, and, of course, Fallout: New Vegas. These three games are blatantly unfinished but they all have something about them that keeps pulling me back. Other great games that aren't finished I've played are Devil...
  8. R.Graves

    Rate my dinner

    Rate my dinner Also post your own I guess.
  9. R.Graves

    The Hidden Gems Thread

    It's a thread to reccomend hidden gems or games people otherwise never talk about. Okay here we go. First up is the most overlooked rockstar game: The Warriors It's a fantastic beat em up that not only succefully adapts the movie charm intact but also serves as a prequel for the majority of...
  10. R.Graves

    Hey let's share comedy sketches

    Sketch shows are great and asking people what their favorite shit is the quickest way to find good shit. So let's show each other some good shit.
  11. R.Graves

    Rate the above song but this time its video game osts

    i wanna stress that the thread is specifically meant for osts so don't be posting big iron or no rest for the wicked if you're a bordlernads faggot. actual songs with lyrics and whatnot are fine as long as they were created for a video game as promotional material or appear in game. been...
  12. R.Graves

    Alien Isolation Sequel Announced!

    its a mobile game!
  13. R.Graves

    What are the best things? (recommendations thread?)

    We have a lot of very specific topics on NMA but there's no go to thread to just talk about shit we love. the intent isn't for this to be a debate thread (but c'mon that's gonna happen once phipps comes in here and mentions fallout 3 or skyrim) Edit: or apparently if someone mentions game of...
  14. R.Graves

    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    I think its appropriate that i start this thread off with the character that sparked the idea. Cindy Aurum from Final Fantasy XV. Also to a lesser extent Ignis and Prompto from the same game are really cute too. Nero's new design is much more masculine for DMC5 and its absolutely delicious...
  15. R.Graves

    actually good gaming review channels?

    almost every game review channel on youtube is just a series of comedy sketches or just doesn't go in depth enough. channels like caddicarus or avgn are great entertainment but c'mon we're not taking anything they say to heart. firstly, twinperfects video on that absolutely abysmal silent hill...
  16. R.Graves

    chronologically confused

    i think this video would make a good thread topic. you'd think itd be pretty simple. just number the sequels. i mean yeah okay but look at devil may cry. each sequel is numbered but the on the timeline they're all out of wack. the story order for the devil may cry series is 3, 1, 4, 2, 5...
  17. R.Graves

    Dormant/Dead franchise and what killed them -- discussion

    this can include spiritually dead franchises that haven't really had a solid entry in... well a long ass time. for example, silent hill. there hasn't been a good one of those since what 2004? Contra barely exists anymore. that last one i remember was contra 4 back in like 2007. hell same for...
  18. R.Graves

    games/movies so bad that they killed their franchise?

    My go to pick here is Dead Space 3. it completely lost sight of the franchises appeal. and the signs were there from the get-go really. co-op, crafting, and post-release DLC for the real ending. really all you gotta do is compare the taglines on the back of 1 and 3's cases. There's no help...
  19. R.Graves

    franchises that returned from the dead/mediocrity?

    It doesn't happen all that often though doesn't it? fallout managed it with new vegas. devil may cry 2 was so bad it nearly tanked the franchise but it picked back up immediatley afterward with the series best entry. resident evil has recovered from it's third person shooter plague...
  20. R.Graves

    Reboots... why?

    i mean on the most superficial cynical level i know why. 1. Marketability 2. Brand Recognition 3. Fucking money but look at star trek, they rebooted in 2009 only to outright ignore the reboot with star trek: discovery. so creativley speaking what what was the point? i mean into darkness was...