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  1. R

    Your Fallout 5 wishlist

    I mean NV. Damn me -_-
  2. R

    Your Fallout 5 wishlist

    Or at least a dialogue system like the 3rd or NW.
  3. R

    Fallout spin off in another country?

    Well... I don't know. Yes, Britain or even, let's shoot it, Italy or another part of Europe would been an interesting choise, but, if I can say, I remember the guy on the News at the begining of Fallout 4 speaking of troops in the middle-est, near China. So, possibly the survivors of the War...
  4. R

    Infinite leveling or locked leveling?

    Totally Lock. Maybe at level 100, a classic, but where you must think of what your character should become (like in the previous games ) and with his highs and downs in SPECIAL and perks. Otherwhise you will become something like a OP demigod who can headshot a deathclaw with his own farts.
  5. R

    Are factions a good, or negative component for Fallout?

    Totally. Otherwhise, the game would be like a certain spin off set in Texas...
  6. R

    I think the endings of future Fallout games should be like Fo4's/Classic Fallout's endings.

    Fallout 4's ending is too plain, on my point of view. Totally agree with you.
  7. R

    Your Fallout 5 wishlist

    The exact thoughts i share with you and whoever have the same ideas. Just a couple of "wishes": 1. If not the setting of the game, at least a DLC set in Alaska, NCR Mexico or Midwest (more possibly in Alaska). 2. The return of the NCR. 3. No downgrade of ideas and cut contents that could be...
  8. R

    Valentine's Agency particular cases.

    Don't tell me of the Combat Zone. I basicaly play with mods, since the game isn't that entusiasmathic. I hope that, in the future, FROST will arrive on Xbox.
  9. R

    Valentine's Agency particular cases.

    Many thanks for the suggestions. :-D And sorry for the "<<" , is an impostation that I can't take off of me. (too many insuficient in exams for not using them.) But I promise to try and use the normal quotation marks. Btw, why people here hate Fallout 4 ? It's not to start fights on the...
  10. R

    Valentine's Agency particular cases.

    Warning: the stories will take place three years after Fallout 4's main quest, won by the Brotherhood of Steel. Obviously, this decision have been influenced by my playtrought, and so it must not been considered canon. Plus my English isn't that good, since is not my native language. Also...
  11. R

    Roleplay Hello thread

    Hi there, I'm... well, you can read it just on the left. That's not my real name, btw. I'm here to share my fan stories and draws. Also, there's a good percentual that I will try to roleplay.