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  1. Apollyon

    Environmental Storytelling in FNV

    Yea, I suppose things like that.
  2. Apollyon

    Environmental Storytelling in FNV

    I'm looking for instances in which the game tells a story that isn't immediately visible, and must be pieced together through observing the environment. Dialogue can be part of it as well, but when dialogue is a part of environmental storytelling it usually consists of small details that do not...
  3. Apollyon

    Environmental Storytelling in FNV

    Hey all, Recently I've come back to Fallout after enjoying other games for a while. One thing that stuck with me from these other games is their stellar environmental storytelling. The original World of Warcraft for example had incredible environmental storytelling which was way ahead of its...
  4. Apollyon

    Lanius's bad reputation is undeserved

    For some reason, recently this topic popped back into my head and I wanted to share some thoughts. Caesar: - Physically unremarkable - Petty, vengeful character - Emotional decision-making - Crude, disrespectful Lanius: - Extremely physically capable - Stoic, pragmatic - Eloquent - Respectful...
  5. Apollyon

    Anyone noticed Legion supporters usually spell Caesar wrong?

    Well, F:NV is about Vegas and the Mojave. What happens beyond that is difficult to say. I personally don't think the Legion nor the NCR have the ability to achieve a decisive victory beyond the Mojave, at least in the short-term. And I think Lanius would be more susceptible to the reality of...
  6. Apollyon

    Anyone noticed Legion supporters usually spell Caesar wrong?

    There is no need for much speculation here. Caesar's death can happen in both Legion and non-Legion playthroughs, and in neither does the game provide even a hint at a crisis within the Legion. Because people dislike the Legion, they are eager to accept anything negative that in-game...
  7. Apollyon

    The Legion was doomed from the start

    I would not take the words of enemies of the Legion at face value. Their bias is obvious. We don't have to go off second-hand accounts. We have an actual interaction with Lanius near the end of the game. He is well-spoken, pragmatic, reasonable even. Lanius is often called a mindless savage...
  8. Apollyon

    The Legion was doomed from the start

    What forces, though? The power House has over the Three Families is limited at best. Alll three are involved in schemes that he knows nothing about, two of which aimed directly at him. So what does House have? His Securitrons, if by some miracle he manages to access Fortification Hill? He...
  9. Apollyon

    The Legion was doomed from the start

    This point gets brought up often, but I'm not so sure what is there to support it. When Caesar dies, Lanius takes over. There is no indication in-game that would suggest an immediate crisis. I've actually made a thread about Lanius a while ago, underpinning why I believe his reputation as a...
  10. Apollyon

    The Legion was doomed from the start

    Well, yes. The NCR victory at Hoover Dam sure was nice; a great tactical surprise and all that. The man responsible clearly underestimated his adversary and paid dearly for it. However, it does not change the situation the NCR finds itself in at the start of Fallout: New Vegas. Instead of...
  11. Apollyon

    What faction is the best choice for the Mojave?

    Deterrence. Without an army of Securitrons, House or an independent New Vegas wouldn't stand a chance against the NCR or the Legion, let alone being assailed by both on two fronts.
  12. Apollyon

    What faction is the best choice for the Mojave?

    It's an interesting discussion, but ask yourself this; can something as valuable as the Securitron army really be wasted by having it protect an area as large and hostile as the Mojave Desert? Like any robot they are subject to wear-and-tear, especially in a desert. Occasionally ones will get...
  13. Apollyon

    What faction is the best choice for the Mojave?

    The Legion is the only faction with the strength to control the Mojave. The NCR is out of question, since they are already crumbling under pressure of raider gangs and Wasteland critters. It would simply be a matter of time before the Mojave becomes lawless. House is basically powerless...
  14. Apollyon

    The Legion was doomed from the start

    I think it is clear by what we see in the Mojave that the NCR is in a very bad position there. Their ranks are infiltrated, morale is low and they are being dealt defeat after defeat (Camp Folorn Hope, Searchlight, Ranger Station Charlie, Nipton, etc.), not just at the hands of the Legion, but...
  15. Apollyon

    A new-found appreciation for Fallout 3

    ok just do what i do m8 and dont play the dlc
  16. Apollyon

    A new-found appreciation for Fallout 3

    Relax. What is stopping you from disregarding all the goofy shit that happens in Fallout (not just in 3) as comic relief?
  17. Apollyon

    New Vegas Energy weapons start

    Do you have all DLCs? GRA gives access to many high-quality energy weapons from the start of the game. At level 6 you can get the Vigilant Recycler perk, which will alleviate a lot of ammo issues. Otherwise, the conversion of fission batteries is a great way of getting more ammo. Also the...
  18. Apollyon

    A new-found appreciation for Fallout 3

    Dear readers, Every now and then, roughly once a year, I get an unexplainable urge to play Fallout. Usually this starts and ends with me playing F:NV, however Fallout 3 is always there, begging to be played. Now, Fallout 3 has always had a special place in my heart, since it was the first...
  19. Apollyon

    The Ticking of the Clock

    Potatoe - potatoe. Even in Nazi-Germany there were dissidents. Hell, there have been numerous murder plots on Hitler's life precisely because indoctrination couldn't cover everyone. Of course it can be effective, but the complete and utter dedication we see in the Legion cannot be a product of...