I don't think the Legion is a good ending for the Mojave by any means so I won't bother talking about that. For me, the other three endings boil down to the following:
Wild Card: At its best, I'd wager it's the most morally good ending. "Anarchy", True self-determination for Vegas and the tribes/people of the Mojave. No outside occupation or dictatorship from an Old World ghost. The Mojave is free to cultivate its own society, with ample defence to protect it against any outside intrusion. The Mojave could be what we (according to Ulysses) lost at the Divide. The issue comes that it's 1000% the biggest gamble, as there is literally zero security that this won't fall flat on its face and end up a failed political experiment with human suffering as the cost. Of course, also worth noting that it's also the most variable ending, and can easily be the worst with the Courier going on a killing spree, destroying the Securitron Army and rendering Hoover Dam inoperable.
I'd also argue that this ending is the best one for NCR. The NCR is at a crossroads in New Vegas, it's experiencing its first imperialist, corrupt administration and the events in the Mojave decide how NCR absorbs that idea. In victory, their terrible administration is rewarded, celebrated and effectively solidified. In any endings with Independent Vegas, they're slapped on the ass and kicked away from that path, absorbing it culturally as a bad idea. Which, as we're told about NCR, its continued expansion would likely mean a further strain on the Republic itself. The NCR is told to go home and play it safe.
NCR: At its best, also a pretty good ending. Brotherhood and NCR make peace, with the BoS protecting the road in place of overextended NCR, Freeside becomes a humanitarian powerhouse, the Boomers become a powerful tribe of weapon merchants rather than murderous isolationists. Et cetera. In counter to the Wild Card ending, this "good" has pretty projected stability but it comes at comprimise. The NCR is overly bureaucratic, chafes citizens with taxes and has all the failures of a liberal democracy where money has too much sway. As I mentioned above, NCR victory also rewards and solidifies the position of moronic warmongers like Oliver, Moore and Kimball. The NCR sets course on an ill-fated manifest destiny which will be a disaster. Long term, that is, and arguably this long term failure is tempered by the fact that the Mojave in the best version is pretty well-set, that even the collapse of NCR would still leave Vegas in a not too terrible position.
At its worst, this ending is pretty shitty. Not only do you reward a shitty, warmongering administration but you also carry out its soul-carving orders without hesitation. Tribes wiped out and a region that's strained under a new government that can't handle it. Not a good ending.
House: House is a fairly inflexible ending, and rather nuanced. On the one House provides pretty strong stability and control to the region. The Securitrons, and his liberal deployment of them, are nothing to fuck with. House is undoubtedly a smart guy, an immortal leader and pretty fucking hard to kill (if you aren't the Courier). The issue comes that with despite his words, the actions of House show that he is remarkably cutthroat. If you aren't relevant to his profit margins, you're dirt. And as dirt, you might be liable to get sweeped without a second thought. If you believe he has truly altruistic intentions at heart, you can argue that this is all just stepping stones on the path to progress, neccessary prioritization in order to prosper. If you don't, House is a stable, but ultimately cold and uncaring despot. There's a lot of split between House's words and the reality of his actions and the actions of those around him, so it's an interesting debate. House winning wouldn't be the worst outcome, but can't say I'd want to live there.
Personally I like Wild Card the best as an ending, but if I as an actual person were in the Mojave, I'd support NCR.