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  1. Alphons

    Fallout: London

    Even better, as New California MC is also Not Resurrection, Nevada does.
  2. Alphons

    Fallout: London

    How are the skills perks implemented? Is it just copied 1:1 from 4 or did they make some changes? Any interesting quests so far or just "Kill, Loot, Return"?
  3. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Battle Mountain radio dish should allow you to track Overseer to Vault 0. You can only access it with the SLC train you're standing next to. You need to repair the board computer (or pay someone to do it), find a driver and blow up the station gate.
  4. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    Olympus has a few annoying design choices, among them is that the vendor inventory is scaled to your level. You won't see the big guns until you're powerful enough to get inside the tower. Until you reach that point I'd stick to whatever you can get your hands on. Once your level is high...
  5. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    It was the Vault Dweller.
  6. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    I'm not 100% sure if it's required but have you interacted with water pump and talked about it? During the report you mention it to Stark and it's used in one of quest paths, so this could be it.
  7. Alphons

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    They'd get access to thousands of new test subjects.
  8. Alphons

    fallout 2 was the borderlands 2 of the 1990s change my mind.

    Pretty weird that you attribute everything to Avellone, when he was just 1 out of 8 designers working on the game (not even a lead on the project). Feargus Urquhart ultimately regrets OKing a lot of "rawr XD" stuff, but the horse already bolted. The only contradiction regarding jet is not part...
  9. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Odd reactions when someone hits a collateral victim in restoration project

    It works like that normally. If a character is considered friendly during a fight (has a green outline) like Lara and her gang during the fight against Tyler and they get accidentally hit by a companion, they won't attack each other. If character is neutral (no green outline), then both...
  10. Alphons

    How would you write a west coast fallout after the events of the TV show?

    All human factions, ghouls and Supermutants get the nuke and Fallout gets rebooted as tactical mech war between Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsaparilla robots.
  11. Alphons

    Mods Compatability

    No problem! You can install them all on the same copy of Fallout 2, each mod will create a separate directory without any issues (personally I have all of these + Et Tu + Restoratkon Project installed without any issues) Links in names: Resurrection- takes place in New Mexico between Fallout...
  12. Alphons

    Mods Compatability

    You can similarly customize Et Tu with every available option. Invasions, restored content, new stuff like motorcycle, FO2 weapons and critters can all be turned on or off.
  13. Alphons

    Anyone know how to get SWAT 3 to work on GoG?

    When installing LR did you do a backup of swat.cfg? Weird that it crashes after skipping the intro, so maybe the file is corrupted. Try restoring the backup and launching with current settings.
  14. Alphons

    The Ashes 2063, DMW, and Afterglow gaming and Q & A thread

    New Ashes released! It's a linear prequel following Walker during his expedition into the City. Standalone version .pk3 version...
  15. Alphons

    Anyone know how to get SWAT 3 to work on GoG?

    And in 2D menu settings? You should have the 800x600 option.
  16. Alphons

    Anyone know how to get SWAT 3 to work on GoG?

    Found the instruction with images I've used.
  17. Alphons

    Anyone know how to get SWAT 3 to work on GoG?

    Yeah, that's the latest stable version.
  18. Alphons

    Anyone know how to get SWAT 3 to work on GoG?

    Using Last Resort with modern resolution? Try launching in 800x600 and launch a mission if it works. You can then restart it and set it to your preferred resolution. The problem shouldn't persist.
  19. Alphons

    Amazon hands out free GoG copies of Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition until June 12

    You can just download the offline GoG installer from their website and save it using whatever method you want.