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  1. MayonaiseCream

    Fallout 3: The BEST????

    You sure don't want anyone to take your spotlight, aren't you?
  2. MayonaiseCream

    Wasteland 3: General thread

    Every night I pray for hair and hats together, guess I'm gonna pass on this one... Just kidding
  3. MayonaiseCream

    Gaming during pandemic

    I think the amount of time I spend gaming is about the same pre and post-pandemic. It's been an invaluable escape for me though. My favorite thing to do during the lockdown was drawing the curtains, turn the lights off, put on headphones and just completely immerse myself in The Long Dark. I...
  4. MayonaiseCream

    Gaming during pandemic

    "The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives in many ways, including how we choose to spend our time and deal with unprecedented circumstances. Anecdotal reports suggest that many have turned to playing video games during the pandemic. To better understand how games are being used during the...
  5. MayonaiseCream

    What was your first RPG?

    Lol, what tabletop game was this person playing? :scratch: Tabletop games are great as long as you have someone to play it with.
  6. MayonaiseCream

    Daddy, daddy, I want THAT one.

    Man, that's a lot. I just want 100billion dollars. That's all I ask. :)
  7. MayonaiseCream

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    All I know about Taliban is that they love beheading people.
  8. MayonaiseCream

    What does NMA think of Breath of the Wild?

    I agree, a lot of people have said that the first time you play BOTW there’s a certain charm to it but I just didn’t feel impressed at all. It is a good play though, I just really don’t see anything special that hasn’t been done already years prior.
  9. MayonaiseCream

    Death Trash

    I've watched this trailer 50 times, can't wait to play this game.
  10. MayonaiseCream

    Death Trash hits Early access

    Yes, this is definitely one that should be serious. It’s dark enough to be really interesting!
  11. MayonaiseCream

    Hacking app

    Can I just hire you to live under my sofa and do all the hacking? lol
  12. MayonaiseCream

    Miriya or Davin

    Great art! Gotta love the girls.
  13. MayonaiseCream

    Recommend me a tactical game *newer than 2007*

    First time I've known some of the suggestions here, might as well try each of them out. Door Kickers seems more interesting though.
  14. MayonaiseCream

    Red Thread Redemption

    I've heard a lot of people love the game, but from everything that I've heard from people talking about the game, it sounds like it's a very bad game. The game is very realistic to the fact that a lot of things feel as tedious as doing the real thing. Everything takes so long to do and the map...
  15. MayonaiseCream

    Mysterious Bethesda game

    I'm so rooting with Starfall and ES6 and now this, lol. One at a time Bethesda, please!
  16. MayonaiseCream

    Hacking app

    Apologies for posting in the wrong place, thanks for moving it out to the right one! Brilliant. But are they allowed to use the terminal sounds from Fallout or are they public domain stock sound effects? Cheers!