Gaming during pandemic


It Wandered In From the Wastes
"The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives in many ways, including how we choose to spend our time and deal with unprecedented circumstances. Anecdotal reports suggest that many have turned to playing video games during the pandemic. To better understand how games are being used during the lockdown, we conducted an online survey (N = 781) that focused on gameplay habits and effects on players’ well-being. We find that time spent playing games has increased for 71% of respondents, while 58% of respondents reported that playing games has impacted their well-being, with the overwhelming majority of responses indicating a positive impact. We identify seven ways that games have affected players, such as providing cognitive stimulation and opportunities to socialize, and a variety of benefits related to mental health, including reduced anxiety and stress. Our findings highlight the sociocultural significance of video games and the potentially positive nature of games’ effects on well-being."

Hey guys, I just wanna know how were you affected by this pandemic? Did you thrive on playing video games more, and does it gave you a positive effect on your well-being?
Hey guys, I just wanna know how were you affected by this pandemic? Did you thrive on playing video games more, and does it gave you a positive effect on your well-being?

I don't feel like I was affected by pandemic at all.

I play less than before, though still daily. I always look forward to having a cold beer and playing 2-2,5 hours after work.
The only difference for me is that in stores you try to keep a distance of 1.5 meters at the que at the very least and that at the hospital I had to wear a mask, other than that my life has remained unchanged so gaming has been the same.
I think the amount of time I spend gaming is about the same pre and post-pandemic.

It's been an invaluable escape for me though. My favorite thing to do during the lockdown was drawing the curtains, turn the lights off, put on headphones and just completely immerse myself in The Long Dark. I kept little journal notes of my characters, invented backstories for each of them, and switched up my playstyle depending on how I thought each character would do things. I love that games let me exercise the creative side of my head without being particularly taxing or demanding after a long day of...2020-2021...

Being able to throw my mind into a completely different world helps me keep perspective on anything crappy that's happening. Plus they're just fun, usually.
The time I spend gaming is about the same as it was pre-COVID. I would cycle among FNV, Cell to Singularity, Sonic Mania, Age of Empires II, Unreal Tournament 2004, and various games on the Genesis and PS2. I've since stopped playing Cell to Singularity because NOTHING HAPPENS. All you do is click stuff and wait. It's barely a game! And FNV? I haven't touched it in a while and yet I still have an incomplete playthrough (all DLCs done early, still haven't entered the Strip). During the lockdown last year, I was very depressed because I had to wait longer for my endocrinologist appointment. But since last August, I've been riding high and still do some gaming. I've been on a UT2004 kick as of late; it's best played with the Ballistic Weapons mod.
I think I played the same as before the pandemic, playing has become my go-to whenever I feel stressed and I need to relax.