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  1. ironmask

    Fallout renewed for another season

    I think remember watching nuka break years ago. At least the first episode. It's impressive for a fan project, but it still doesn't feel like fallout.
  2. ironmask

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    Exactly why I would not want a "New Vegas 2". As bad as Bethesda lore was, at least the West Coast and East Coast lore were separate. Until now.
  3. ironmask

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    Just what can Obsidian even do with Fallout now that Bethesda has literally nuked the lore of the West Coast Fallout games? No ncr, no legion, no shady sands, a bastardized Mr. House. Literally almost everything from New Vegas has been ruined and Bethesda plans to ruin more. Everything that...
  4. ironmask

    Fallout: Nuevo Mexico

    Life sure is stranger than fiction lol.
  5. ironmask

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    Hey Cambragol. I just beat the main campaign in Sonora using your translation, and I just wanted to say thank you for making this great translation. I had a fun time playing it. The translation had some typos now and then but it was pretty good for the most part. If no one told that this...
  6. ironmask


    It's nice seeing someone else say this since I have been saying the same thing since StarField came out. Skyrim and StarField share many of the same problems and bad design chooses but people refuse to accept this and still defend Skyrim religiously to this day. Skyrim will always be the most...
  7. ironmask

    What Fallout Game Would You Remake First?

    Instead of an official remaster, I would rather have coders make a source port for New Vegas like OpenMW and Daggerfall Unity. New Vegas would benefit more from having a fan made open source engine instead of an official "remaster" that would only introduce more bugs and break long lasting mods...
  8. ironmask

    What Fallout Game Would You Remake First?

    Why? FNV still plays fine today. Maybe a remaster to fix plenty of bugs but I don't see the point of remaking a game that has aged well for the most part.
  9. ironmask

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    I have been promoting it on my groups private discord. Maybe you could make a fan trailer showing off the translation?
  10. ironmask

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    Hey. Decided to give your translation a try and I have been greatly enjoying it so far. The Ron Perlman narration is also scarily impressive for an AI. Thanks for making a translation for Sonora. It's feels great to finally be able to play this game after waiting for a translation for so long.
  11. ironmask

    Fallout: Sonora - Vanilla translation done!

    So what makes this translation different from the one RadMuravTeam did? Also wasn't that one already complete?
  12. ironmask

    Happy late birthday

    Happy late birthday
  13. ironmask

    Fallout: Vault 13 is cancelled. It's been announced on their discord.

    Fallout: Vault 13 is cancelled. It's been announced on their discord.
  14. ironmask

    The new Marathon is such a disappointment Bungie just laid off over 200 staff workers. It is definitely not looking very good for the new marathon game with the sudden change in leadership, genre...
  15. ironmask

    New UI is bad

    New UI is bad
  16. ironmask

    The new Marathon is such a disappointment Even more disappointing news. They decided to change marathon from an extraction shooter and turn it into another hero shooter. Why the hell did they make this a marathon game?
  17. ironmask


    I don't think would be possible since PT wasn't published or translated into Japanese before Nier was made. I also don't think Yoko Taro can speak and understand English, so there would no way he would be able to understand what is happening in PT.
  18. ironmask

    Cyberpunk 2077 thoughts and musings

    I have played Cyberpunk 2077. It's okay. Beautiful open world that's shallow and lacks interactivity. The game lacks side quest and it has too much repetitive side content like the gigs. The level scaling in this game is absolute trash and it is the biggest problem with this game. It's as bad as...
  19. ironmask

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    After trying to get Fallout Sonora to finally run on Linux, I ran into a big problem. I can't save my game. All I get is error, every time I try to save. This seems to only happen when I install the English patch. When I save in the Russian version, it works fine. Very frustrating.