Fallout: Sonora - Vanilla translation done!

I listed the steps that were taken in developing the translation here

The main differences would be:

Extensive feedback/play-testing support from NMA members
3 complete passes on all lines/dialogues
Ron Perlman narrations (the highest quality AI voice available at the moment $$)
Tree-passes on all dialogues (75% of the development time, all dialogues were followed, and polished, 'through' the scripts)
Finally, the tree-passes identified about 85 dialogue/quest bugs that are now fixed in the 'patched' version of the translation.
Slavish adherence to Fallout 1 terminology/styles/language.
Complete 'English' graphics for all game elements.
I have no issue with audio, mostly. I prefer using the games' native language. So in Stalker and Metro i use Russian. Red orchestra 2 - German and Russian etc but with English subitles.

This is wrong. Stalker and Metro are Ukrainian games, you should use Ukrainian mova.
I have updated the Translation to version 1.01 which includes all the spelling, grammar, dialogue issues raised in this thread. There are also some quest/script fixes for the script version. A complete list of updates can be found here: changelog

The new version of the translation can be found in the usual places, at the moddb and the Fallout Sonora website
Thank you @Cambragol for your dedication to this translation, looking forward to playing it when I have the time, for some reason I always skipped out on Sonora but I'll give it a try!!
It has come to my attention that the 1.14 release of Fallout Sonora is being quietly updated by Nevada Band. So the link from their website is evolving in time, moving from 1.14, through multiple 1.14+ versions (unnamed) and will eventually become 1.15

That's great and all, however, it means that applying my translation to the '1.14' version as it is now offered on their site will result in a few 'error' messages (because Russian dialogue has been added in a number of places, dialogue which the original 1.14 release didn't contain)

I have now compared all the changes in the original 1.14 release, and the current 1.14+ release, and have worked these into the next version of the translation.

Release 1.02 can be found at the Fallout Sonora website, and at the moddb.com. Changelog can be found here.
This is wrong. Stalker and Metro are Ukrainian games, you should use Ukrainian mova.
To be fair, Metro takes place in Moscow. The characters are likely speaking Russian.
I would also assume many characters would be speaking Russian, Ukrainian *and* Belarusian in Chernobyl, given the circumstances there.
To be fair, Metro takes place in Moscow. The characters are likely speaking Russian.
I would also assume many characters would be speaking Russian, Ukrainian *and* Belarusian in Chernobyl, given the circumstances there.
I think that Russian is native to Metro 2033 in the same way that Mexican is native to Sonora. Considering that Glukhovsky personally edited the Russian version of the game texts (not the Ukrainian one), it can be assumed that the Russian version of Metro 2033 is more close in a literary sense, in the sense of proximity to the source novel. But Russian is still not a native language for the game itself.
After all, are you civilized enough not to mix Ukrainian culture with Russian?
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But Russian is still not a native language for the game itself.
From what I understand of the dev process, you're correct on this. I really just meant this in the "what would these characters who live in Moscow speak?" way. Likewise with STALKER and ATOM, who have mixed Ukrainian/Russian speaking dev teams.