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  1. Paladin Hank


    It's on the steamdeck. Maybe they'll release it on the switch in the future, who knows? I still recommend playing it on pc though. It's a game with a lot of text so I'm not sure it would work on a small screen.
  2. Paladin Hank


    I finished the game yesterday, as a matter of fact. It's a great game, definitely worth checking out, especially if you're a fan of narrative games like Disco Elysium. I'd go as far as saying it's the best game I've played in 2022. Do keep in mind that it's a very dialogue heavy game, so if you...
  3. Paladin Hank

    “Life is just one damn thing after another.” Mark Twain

    “Life is just one damn thing after another.” Mark Twain
  4. Paladin Hank

    "Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel", Horace Walpole

    "Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel", Horace Walpole
  5. Paladin Hank

    10 best games.

    You don't have to like the game. It's not your thing, that's okay. I was just responding to your criticism of the game, but since you haven't really played it there isn't that much to talk about. So let's leave it at that.
  6. Paladin Hank

    10 best games.

    Since when does an RPG have to have combat? I think it's refreshing to have a game that doesn't rely on combat to engage the player. The fact that you felt the need to tell me that makes me think otherwise.
  7. Paladin Hank

    10 best games.

    You could literally apply that same criticism to Planescape Torment. Maybe gameplay isn't the only thing that matters in a game. Maybe writing is just as if not more important than gameplay. At the end of the day, it's about what you want in a game. You want fun, action-packed gameplay, I want a...
  8. Paladin Hank

    10 best games.

    Why would I play the same game over and over again? That would be like watching the same movie or reading the same book over and over again. Of course it's gonna get stale after a while. Be honest, did you actually play through the entire game?
  9. Paladin Hank

    10 best games.

    Except I don't hate the games that I've played in the past. Even though I don't play them anymore, I still consider them my favorite games, because in a way they shaped who I am today. Whether or not I would enjoy playing them now is irrelevant. I can still love old games while moving on and...
  10. Paladin Hank

    10 best games.

    I know taste is subjective, but how is Postal 2 better than Planescape Torment? Also it's 10 best games, not 20
  11. Paladin Hank

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    I kind of do. I've been on this site for over 4 years (not nearly as long as you but still). From what I gather most people here (except maybe C.T Phipps) despise Bethesda and definitely do not want to support them by buying their shitty games. You should have more faith in this community. We...
  12. Paladin Hank

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    I sincerely doubt most people here will be eager to buy the game when it comes out. Unless it turns out to be a masterpiece, which is as likely as me winning the lottery. The only reason I bought their games in the first place is because I didn't know any better and they were my first...
  13. Paladin Hank

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    Why don't they let an actually competent developer make the next Fallout game (*cough cough* Obsidian *cough cough*)? That way instead of waiting 10 years for an insultingly bad game we can wait 5 years for an okay-ish one. Or, better yet, finally lay this dead franchise to rest and create new...
  14. Paladin Hank

    Zegh's Dinosaur Thread

    @zegh8578 Have you seen Prehistoric Planet? If so, what did you think of it? Personally I loved how scientifically accurate the dinosaur designs were but felt like the show got a little repetitive towards the end. Still an amazing show.
  15. Paladin Hank

    Pentiment - Historical RPG by Josh Sawyer

    Obviously it won't play like DE... I was just pointing out the similarities between the two-- namely, that they are both narrative-focused crpgs in which the player must solve a murder. Hopefully Pentiment will be as unique and memorable as DE was. People didn't fall in love with DE simply...
  16. Paladin Hank

    Pentiment - Historical RPG by Josh Sawyer

    Disco Elysium set in Medieval times? Count me in!
  17. Paladin Hank

    I just turned 4 not too long ago. Looking forward to kindergarten next year.

    I just turned 4 not too long ago. Looking forward to kindergarten next year.
  18. Paladin Hank

    10 best games.

    My personal list: 1. Planescape Torment 2. Disco Elysium 3. Fallout 1 and 2 4. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 5. Arcanum 6. Fallout: New Vegas 7. KOTOR 2 8. Deus Ex 9. Grim Fandango 10. Monkey Island There are still many games I have yet to play so this list may change in the future.
  19. Paladin Hank

    Philosophy Thread

    One of the points in the article is that even if free will doesn't exist we should still believe in it because otherwise people would act less responsibly and use determinism as an excuse for their actions. I don't think this is necessarily true but I agree that we should keep believing in the...
  20. Paladin Hank

    Philosophy Thread

    Do we have free will? An interesting article on the subject: