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  1. 0

    Various modding questions

    Thanks, that's the point!
  2. 0

    Various modding questions

    You're right.
  3. 0

    Various modding questions

    Description: Runs when using the examine action icon to display item description. You can override the description of the item. An example usage would be to add an additional description to the item based on player’s stats/skills. I: That's correct. When I use examine action icon in barter mode...
  4. 0

    Various modding questions

    I implemented it by a header file. Acctualy I have a new couple of questions :) 1. How to add new critters on map at runtime by script? 2. How to call standart function of destroying a weapon in arms? Like when you crittical miss. I did by using destroy_object(weapon) in HOOK_ITEMDAMAGE. I...
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    Various modding questions

    Yeah, I've found a topic in 2015. phobos2077 wanted to fix this :)
  6. 0

    Various modding questions

    I have a problem with compiler. When I try to compile export procedure with arguments I get a few second freezing and then sound of error, but error doesn't show up. The fact is file is not compiled. export procedure aa(variable arg0); procedure aa(variable arg0) begin end
  7. 0

    Fallout 2 utility sfall script editor - dialog functions config?

    Hi, I have a problem with sFall Script Editor extended by Mr.Stalin. When I type #define and after I think of a name of define, it's sometimes freezes, sometimes show an error.
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    Various modding questions

    Thanks Mr.Stalin for reply. use_obj_on_obj works great! I'm using global script so i need to prepend each call with set_self(dude_obj) twice. set_unique_id works fine and i'm implemented some basic functions. With third question you probably misunderstand me. I already implemented use on via...
  9. 0

    Various modding questions

    Hi, I have a few questions about modding. 1. How to call standart USE item function from inventory via script? I have hunger system. And I need to consume foods automaticly. I have function that increase satisfaction points, then increase hp according to proto, and finally remove it from...