Antediluvian as Feck

I use Agent Ransack to search Lua scripts.
SublimeText to edit them.
SublimeText to edit them.
this is not normalDon't sweat it, an sgvar is fine.
Anybody know how I can read script-wide variable A in script A, from script B?
in script A
export variable myVarName
in script B
import variable myVarName
Yes, but then I am using a permanent array (not saved, but permanent). And I need access to the same array from multiple scripts. else I would have to make all the scripts into one script.Aren't arrays by default not saved anyways?
use_obj_on_objHi, I have a few questions about modding.
1. How to call standart USE item function from inventory via script?
I have hunger system. And I need to consume foods automaticly. I have function that increase satisfaction points, then increase hp according to proto, and finally remove it from inventory. Problem is that i need to keep script hp value with value from proto. Also if I would have some drug effect with time duration that would be hard to do via script. How to make a durability system to weapons and armor?
At the start I had idea to use sfall save_array function, to save as a associatve map, where key is object instance id and value is object durability, let's say from 0 to 100. But I've got a problem, when I load the game, the tracking object gets all the time different instance id.
Then I had looked at SAVE.DAT. I had found a place to store item durability, but I had not found the way to save and load this data.
Use the "Use On" interface (as well as charge the car).3. How to setup option "use on" on weapon?
I am trying to implement cut fruit from plants by using knife. I implemented via use from inventory, but I want to use from hand, like a shovel. I've tried to setup option "use on" in proto editor to a knife, but it doesn't work. I think because knife has a weapon type, but shovel has a misc type.
4. Is there the way to modify engine, for implement new mechanics without headache with scripts?
export procedure aa(variable arg0);
procedure aa(variable arg0) begin end
you can't export procedures with arguments.I have a problem with compiler. When I try to compile export procedure with arguments
I implemented it by a header can't export procedures with arguments.
Obviously, this can't be done for weapons.With third question you probably misunderstand me. I already implemented use on via inventory. But I wanted use via hand, like shovel. Or so there's no way to implement this and it's the game engine limitation?
Read the description of the hook carefully.5. HOOK_DESCRIPTIONOBJ doesn't work in barter mode on weapons with ammo. It's display ammo count in weapon. Actaully I see a blink where the original text overrides by this ammo info. Is there a way to fix this?
Read the description of the hook carefully.
if you can't figure out how to program game scripts correctly, then you have nothing to do in the sfall code, and you need knowledge of C++ and Assembler language.3. Is there a guide for making your own sfall?
I found sources in Github, but I don't have any clue how to generate ddraw.dll, and more important question, how can I reverse engineer fallout2.exe to find out what an opcode uses for?
I have olydbg, but I don't know how to setup breakpoints on specific game calls, like when player shooting.
I mean, I want to modify engine to add use on option on a weapon, like a shovel. Currently this option works on misc type, but doesn't work on weapons. So, what steps might be to do that?