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    Mod Found on the Nexus, City-Killer Possibility?

    There are several mod compilations which use this animation with weapons such as the city-killer. Unfortunatly all City-Killer weapons I have seen modded into the game have horrifyingly low texture quality.
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    Question about the Megaton Bomb?

    That ones easy, just think of it, theres some robot slowly making rounds replacing the cola's in the machines, it's been doing it for 200 years and doesnt know it can stop. Problem solved.
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    Fallout 3 is crap by default?

    Well it is the glittering gem of hatred dredged from the bowels of the internet by the chain of the damned. Anyways, main issue I had with fallout 3 is its weak story, which, in itself has its merits, but is built upon poorly. Since every major settlement in the game has its own water...
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    Please Help! My game with Mods is crashing past 9am Sun

    Load order is used in fallout mod manager, if someone is running that many, odds are he is using it. It could be any number of reasons, I notice your using an unholy large ammount of mods right there. I dont see any conflicts with your mod, though you may wish to try turning off CubeExperimental...
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    Some problems with Big Trouble in Big Town

    That not Red. Thats a random wastelander your saved. Red is in the German Town Police station, also she happens to be called red because of her red jumpsuit, she has black hair.
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    Fallout 3, The General Debate Topic

    Ah yes, the Psycic AI in Fallout 3. Trying to do things with a stealthy approach in it proved much more frustrating then it was worth, given the laughable difficulty of the game, which most effectively considted of "Run up to bad guy, shoot him in face, repeat as nessasary." I think the most...
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    How exactly can one rebuild a town with the GECK?

    I do believe that the fallout bible said on the matter of the temple of trials, that it was an unfinished fallout shelter before the former members of vault 13 modified it. I would also think marking across hundreds of miles of hostile radioactive deserts would be something of a deterent, also...
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    How exactly can one rebuild a town with the GECK?

    Yes, he may have founded it, but he left it as well. I would understand them going back there say if his body was there, but it isn't. The temple of trials is just an unfinished shelter complex that was modified before the group went totaly tribal as a way to see if thier children were prepaired...
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    How exactly can one rebuild a town with the GECK?

    Well theres no reason for them to go back to arroyo, its a destroyed settlement plagued by draught, everything there that was a reason to stay was destroyed by the enclave, if anything, the remains of navaro would be where i would start a settlement, its defenceble, set up, has lots of space...
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    So in the end, did the Super Mutants add to anything?

    Well fallout three would have been much more well recieved if it was a prequel, and the super mutants not being super mutants, but as thier termed, meta humans, and being more human in size. The brotherhood being replaced by the national gaurd, and the enclave being the shadow government the...
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    Good, Neutral, Evil.

    In the original fallout, I was tempted to side with the master (I thought I would get to play as a super mutant for a little while, but nope.). The reason I didn't was because the brotherhood gave me some important information, and the mutants in the military base just rubbed me the wrong way...
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    So in the end, did the Super Mutants add to anything?

    Would have been better for them not to be in the game, instead more emphesis being on enemies like the talon company, or distinct differing gangs of raiders that are fighting eachother in the ruins of DC. Hell, Talon company was interesting at least, I learned about them before I ever...
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    What if the Enclave was a Social Experiment as well?

    Well, that also describes the brothhood of steel, except thier slightly less hostile if you walk on two legs and are one of the human flesh tones. I really would have liked a future installment of fallout if they felt the need to make the enclave the villians... again... to instead focus on the...
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    Will you play Hardcore mode from the get go?

    If I get FNV I'll probably try it out on hardcore from the get go, though im going to wait until after people who aren't drooling morons who dont know what an RPG is to review it (I'm one of the idiots who got the special edition of Fallout 3 on launch day, stupid lunch box still mocks me for my...
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    Joystiq Preview + new info

    What issue with the balistic weapons? Thier inconsistant damage? How thier damage is tied to skill level rather then thier accuracy? The fact the bullets never go where thier supposed to in third person? The fact that they all fire the same ammunition? What issue in particular irks you?
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    Vault Boy puppet

    Should be in fallout 3 discussion, also its not a very good thing when your first and only post is to hawk your ebayed thing you got from going to a convention based on a webcomic. Also trying to say the supposed prices of such an object as being 300 dollars a year ago and rare is also not a...
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    How exactly can one rebuild a town with the GECK?

    Yes but I doubt they would go all the way back to Arroyo. And why would they use the Geck near san fran? They would have had to have serious backing in order to make what they showed in the ending, either brotherhood or ncr or something.
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    Good, Neutral, Evil.

    I dunno, whenever I play, its sort of a wash. Like helping vault city is good, but in a way bad in the long run, since it stays independant and ends up hurting everything by jealously keeping its tech to itself. When I go to new reno, I help the writes since they seem like the good guys, but you...
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    What if the Enclave was a Social Experiment as well?

    That would be a pretty trippy outcome actually. Firstly who would watch the Enclave? Before they bombs fell they were the shadow government controlling everything. Would be interesting if it were computers themselves that were watching and judging them. The ones still controlling the orbital...
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    How exactly can one rebuild a town with the GECK?

    New Arroyo was built near vault 13, not where the old arroyo was.