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  1. F

    Alternative Fallout teaser site

    oops.... :oops: Need to brush up on my knowledge of the USA I guess. So the same question applies to Capitol Hill. Why is there so much standing. I realize it's "concept art", But it makes no sense.
  2. F

    Alternative Fallout teaser site

    What I would like to know is why is there so much of The White House left standing? You would think that it would have taken a direct hit when the bombs dropped.
  3. F

    [FO2] problem in the Enclave

    I just finished it yesterday, you have to view User list first, then you get the option to use the pres. key card.
  4. F

    [FO2] Vault City Endings-

    Well double oops for me then. I never actually read the read me for Killap's patch. Plus my game is patched using Killap's "Unofficial" patch, so I suppose this is the wrong forum too. :oops:
  5. F

    [FO2] Vault City Endings-

    Just finished the game and got an ending for Vault Cit that I can't find writen anywhere. Before finishing the game I wiped out Vault City completely. Only left Phyllis and the doctor alive and a few slaves that weren't taken out by Sulik during the fight. Turns out that with no-one left in...
  6. F

    dynamite for sale. [FO1]

    Sorry if I am incorrect. Maybe it was just the geiger counter that caused this. I had just came back from the Glow and tried to sell off some stuff for books and kept getting "Sorry your offer is not good enough". I assumed it was just stuff from the glow.
  7. F

    Fallout 1 patch problem

    There is not real way to know if it's installed properly unless you know what bugs are fixed and encounter them in the game. The exe file in the patch will access files in the data folder first before the .dat files. Download the patches to your fallout folder and unzip them make sure there is...
  8. F

    dynamite for sale. [FO1]

    I also noticed that anything found in the Glow can't be sold either.
  9. F

    Russian fan project: Fallout Online

    That is true. The idea looks good and seems promising. I would suggest that they mention it is based LOOSELY on Fallout, that Fallout is the basis of the project as far as graphics and models are concerned, But has now become something that is not Fallout but just another online game, for your...
  10. F

    Russian fan project: Fallout Online

    That would work, but again....NOT FALLOUT. Time to shut my yap on this one. It`s getting too frustrating just thinking that a fan would do this to Fallout.
  11. F

    Russian fan project: Fallout Online

    That would make no sence at all. You would have to walk for hours, literally, just to get to most towns. If everyone had access to a car it would maybe help, but where the hell would you park them all if that many people decided to got to one place. (I would use a question mark, but for some...
  12. F

    Russian fan project: Fallout Online

    I must agree. I'd also like to know how they get around the time issue when you travel on the world map. Time goes much faster there. What happens to the people who stay in towns, or those in random encounters, if there are any, when others are worldmap travelling. It would completely...
  13. F


    Now that's deep....... :roll:
  14. F

    I love Gwen Stefani and Fergie

    Two words----- Billy Talent. Nuf said. Edit: I suppose I should clarify further. They are the ONLY new band to hit big, although they have been around for awhile as PEZ, that I think is worth listening to. Our local alternative radio station plays a lot of the new stuff and it's all crap...
  15. F

    What did you get for Christmas/New Year?

    Having 2 kids, I asked not to get anything this Christmas. I just told people to get stuff for the kids. However, I did get stuff. All the brothers and sisters and spouses on my wife's side decided to do gag gifts. I got a little back massager- :D . My dad gave me and the wife enough...
  16. F

    Tigger fights back!!!!!

    Check this out: Clearly he was trying to do something with the suit or he wouldn't have been dragged when Tigger moved. The dad is an idiot also for believing his son. That kid was just to damn happy to just be in the picture with out doing something...
  17. F

    got FaME?

    Check in fallout modding, it's near the bottom.
  18. F

    Michael Richards explodes on stage.

    According to the "hecklers" they never said anything to Richards. apparently they came in half way through his act, sat down and ordered drinks. Richards got piss off because they "interrupted" his act. I wonder what would have happened to Mel Gibson if his ranting was caught on video...
  19. F

    Michael Richards explodes on stage.

    Check this out. There's a lot of buzz going around about this. A local radio announcer on The Bear,, made a good point. They are saying this may end his career, didn't his career end when Sienfeld went...
  20. F

    Strange Bug in New Reno.

    Which transaction? If you are talking about the desert one, you are not supposed to kill anyone, just guard. What does the description say in the window? This may help with the answer.