Michael Richards explodes on stage.


Still Mildly Glowing
Check this out.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061120/ap_en_tv/people_michael_richards

There's a lot of buzz going around about this.
A local radio announcer on The Bear,www.thebearrocks.com, made a good point. They are saying this may end his career, didn't his career end when Sienfeld went off the air? I think so.

If this wasn't caught on tape it would be a small blurb in some tabloid and forgoten.

Mention the name Michael Richards and most people won't know who you are talking about.

I don't agree with what he said, It's repulsive. A lot of people seem to be defending him, saying maybe he had a bad day.

I think that the people targeted by the verbal attack maybe taking this a little too far though.

What are your opinions.

I watched seinfeld last night and it was a little weird watching good old Cosmo Kramer, but it will pass. Life goes on.
I've seen people throw chairs at the office, road rage incidents and punch ups in night clubs. Perhaps Richards lost his temper and said a lot of things he wouldn't say or think when his head is clear.

I also know that men and women start to get extremely grumpy when they pass middle age and the cause is something to do with their hormone levels dropping. Richards must be pushing 60 by now, so it could be part of his problem.

On the other hand it could have been a publicity stunt. Do something really bad, apologise, check into rehab and come out a changed man/woman with a revived career. It works like a charm. :)
I think Richards just got so fucking upset by the hecklers that he wanted to get back at them in the worst possible way without using physical violence. I can understand that - if someone punched me 'verbally' in the face, I'd want to verbally punch them back in the same fashion, only worse. Richards targeted their race, and apparantly, it worked. The hecklers though that was 'really uncalled for' - but did they think them interrupting his act was 'called for'? The clips on youtube doesn't show the actual heckling, only Richards outburst, so I guess I can't really say. Still, I can imagine how I'd react in a situation like that.

I don't think Richard's really a racist. To me, it actually wouldn't have made a difference if the hecklers were fat and Richards had gone "We got fat people here! Fatsos! Fatsos! Fifty years ago we'd have you on a grill with a fucking apple in your mouth!", or if they had big noses, or whatever physical attribute. Seriously - had he called someone 'fat', or 'big-nosed' - who would have cared? It would have been 'standard' anti-heckle procedure; someone called him "not funny", which is subjective, and he called them something 'more objective' back. Why is it worse to call someone a 'nigger' than 'fat'? Because you can 'do something about being fat'? Two news: You can do something about being a negro as well, and I really don't see why anyone would be insulted by being called what race they are, regardless of how derogatory the wording would be. If someone called me a "fucking whitey", I'd just laugh at them.

Not that I condone calling black people 'niggers' - Richards was out of line. Still, I really don't see what the big deal is. It apparantly is a big deal, which is why I think it's a sad state of affairs. For his own good, Richards should not have said those things, but fuck - I really don't care that he did. To me, he damaged none other than himself by that outburst. If the hecklers found it offensive, so be it - I guess they had it coming.

Seinfeld 4-ever <3.
If you ask me, I'd say you guys are all a bunch of fat, lazy niggers. A hundred years ago or so, I would have been sodomizing your daughters while you guys would have been busy picking MY cotton on MY fields, singing your subversive nigga hip hop crap and doing all them akrobatik moves you black people excell at.


Kramer used to be so goddamn funny.


It must really sting to fall so deep and not be able to climb back up.
I think Richards just got so fucking upset by the hecklers that he wanted to get back at them in the worst possible way without using physical violence.

According to the "hecklers" they never said anything to Richards. apparently they came in half way through his act, sat down and ordered drinks. Richards got piss off because they "interrupted" his act.

I wonder what would have happened to Mel Gibson if his ranting was caught on video.

They did however do a spin-off of the incident on Law And Order a few weeks ago.
Remember kids it's ok for niggers to say cracker-ass but not ok for crackers-asses to say nigger.
This sucks. I was hoping he was actually going to, you know, explode.
Mani said:
Remember kids it's ok for niggers to say cracker-ass but not ok for crackers-asses to say nigger.

That's right, cracker. Tell me with a straight face that being called a cracker has the same power to a white man as it does being called a nigger for a black one.

Take your honky white ass out of here with that shit.
That's right, cracker. Tell me with a straight face that being called a cracker has the same power to a white man as it does being called a nigger for a black one.

It depends on the context. If it was a friend of mine I'd think it was funny. But if it was a stranger I'd feel like I was being threatened.

Anyway I still think this was a publicity stunt just, like the Russell Crowe phone throwing incident. Richards hasn't had this kind of attention in years.
Fat people can slim down though. Black people can't go white, unless they have liver pills.
The Overseer said:
Fat people can slim down though. Black people can't go white, unless they have liver pills.

Or if they're just freaks in general

The Overseer said:
Fat people can slim down though. Black people can't go white, unless they have liver pills.
Yeah - that's not an argument. Fat people can slim down, blacks can go white (and vice versa), ugly-nose people can get nose-jobs, etc. As said, I honestly don't see why it's worse to call someone "nigger" than "fatso" or "big-nose". Could anyone who begs to differ explain?
They didn't go around shipping big-nose people in cramped freight ships across oceans or hang them from trees before? Or steal their countries and national identities?
The Overseer said:
They didn't go around shipping big-nose people in cramped freight ships across oceans or hang them from trees before? Or steal their countries and national identities?

Which is relevant how, to the people that didn't actually see or experience these horrors? That's like feminists saying "It's our turn to rule - we've been oppressed for long enough!" even though they've never suffered shit themselves save for when their favourite contestant got voted out from Big Brother.

Anyway: http://santoalt.com/videos/2762_The_Kramer_Racist_Rap.html
