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  1. B

    Let's Play Fallout 1!

    so where's the rest? I want more videos :crazy:
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    Technology Barrier

    Sorry I didnt mean to come off as rude. I still think you got the Fallout setting wrong though. First of all, regarding the Water Chip: I think its pretty clear that the Water Chip is just the crucial control unit (like a CPU) for a much bigger apparatus that purifies the water. Now, you are...
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    Technology Barrier

    Get your Fallout lore straight. In case you haven't noticed, Fallout takes place in a retro futuristic alternative timeline where technology has developed differently than in our world. Read again what Oppen wrote: Nanotechnology is completely out of scope IMO, since it's bound to the same...
  4. B

    Escape military base FO1

    First of all, it is very much possible to escape from the mutant base even with low sneak, don't give up yet. Have a look at this thread, i created it about 7 years ago when I was playing fallout for the first time. My...
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    Idoitic politics says game is drug

    Get a grip? That was a balanced and well thoughtout comment you imbecile. Kiddies getting all riled up when their precious vidya games are attacked. Watch the testimonials of World of Warcraft quitters on youtube to get an idea what this game can do to peoples' life. I'm not advocating...
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    Horrible BoS armor design

    Fully agreed. btw I declare this thread a major success!! Didn't think it would provoke so many answers and spark such an interesting discussion. Thanks everybody . :)
  7. B

    Trying to download Fallout 1.3.4 gives 1.3.3 instead!

    Thank, I have just found that archive myself, but thank you! The filename is indeed the same, but the readme says its 1.3.5. Maybe NMA should update this and also add the link you posted as the alternative download link, because the old alternative download link doesn't work anymore due to...
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    Trying to download Fallout 1.3.4 gives 1.3.3 instead!

    Sorry for necroing this thread, but I have been trying to download Team X 1.3.5 patch from NMA and three years later the file here at NMA (hosted by atomic gamer) is STILL only version 1.3.3 according to the readme. Could anyone please fix this, I don't know where else I could download the...
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    Horrible BoS armor design

    I like your nick name pyroD :twisted:
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    Horrible BoS armor design

    Fun fact: As a kid I would often draw fantasy pictures of Barbarians and Paladins and stuff like that when bored in school. I would always start with drawing huge, baloon-sized shoulder pads and a tiny head in between them and only then add the rest of the elemens (torso, arms, legs etc)...
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    Horrible BoS armor design

    I guess I can buy that from an ingame logic point of view, still doesn't explain why Bethesda felt the need to replace the cool Power Armor from the first Fallout games with their own rather retarded looking design. Even if we accept that Fallout 3's Power Armor is an earlier, more...
  12. B

    Horrible BoS armor design

    I dunno, you get a pretty good look at two soldiers in Power Armor in the Fallout 1 intro, and it doesn't look all that clunky there. Massive and heavy, yes, but actually rather smooth and shiny, just like the ingame art in Fallout 1 and 2. The version in Fallout 3 must be waaay more...
  13. B

    Horrible BoS armor design

    What did Bethesda think when they designed their vision of the Brotherhood of Steel armor? The whole thing looks almost like a parody, all the proportions are completely off and instead of being menacing the "face" of the helmet has that retarded look about it. Worst of all however, Beth...
  14. B

    Anybody interested in selling Fallout 1 big box version?

    Dude, the pictures you posted are of the UK/European version. Which means it is parody of the original North American Release. No offense, but I doubt any serious collector cares too much about the UK/European versions of Fallout. Not only does the box look much, much worse, is smaller, has...
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    Wasteland 2 update: Weapons and assets

    you guys are crazy!! :crazy:
  16. B

    Wasteland 2 update: Weapons and assets

    nice..nice...I really like what I hear. Reminds me of Fallout 2. Sulik was DEADLY with a 10mm SMG troughout the whole game, because he would run up close to the enemies and unload a storm of bullets into their bodies...bypassing their armor with critical hits. I like to see more of this...
  17. B

    The Shandification of Fallout

    I thought the video was pretty weak, maybe because I was expecting something else. I have the impression he is a bit confused, the guy is not really talking about narrative, he is about world building, which is important, but not the key aspect that made Fallout unique. I didn't read the news...
  18. B

    Picture of the collector's edition content, clothes coming ?

    I meant relativly speaking, although yeah, here in germany the AoE 3 CE costed about 10 Euros more than the regular edition. As far as the listing tells me, the FO 3 regular edition will be 50 bucks and the CE will be 70, so that actually 20 bucks difference. I'm pretty sure it...
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    Special Edition dev diary & Survival Edition announced

    To quote myself The point still stands. That clock looks so godamn cheap its not even funny anymore. It manages to make the CE look even more like cheap garbage ripp-off only basement dwelling nerds with too much cash from mommy would buy. (NOTE: I don't think the concept of CEs is...
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    Picture of the collector's edition content, clothes coming ?

    ah c'mon people, I can't believe what I'm reading here. That CE sucks donkey balls. Ah making of DVD? colour me impressed....can't wait to watch the Toddler explaining step-by-step how he raped the Fallout franchise. The art book looks more like a art pamphlet, what format is it, postcard...