Trying to download Fallout 1.3.4 gives 1.3.3 instead!

your evil twin

It Wandered In From the Wastes
I've been trying to download TeamX's 1.3.4 patch (English version) from the files section, but instead it gives me 1.3.3. The file is called "Fallup13" and its readme file says "Fallout v.1.3.3 patch", but the description on the NMA Files page says Fallout v.1.3.4.

I've tried looking for other mirrors, but it seems every other webpage on the internet that mentions 1.3.4 patch just links to the NMA file, which is really just 1.3.3.

I considered possibility they did not change the name of the file or update the readme because the changes were incredibly minor, but this page suggests the changes between 1.3.3 and 1.3.4 were very significant:

Please, help!

I'm pretty certain that the version linked in 1.3.4, that one is also on the TeamX website. Try the download from the alternative location listed and let me know if it is different.
Thanks guys! :D

I was slightly confused by the fact that on the TeamX website it is called "v.1.3" patch, and the filename itself is still "fallup13", the same as the v.1.3.3 patch. But when I tried downloading it and checked the readme, it says "Fallout v.1.3.4 patch by TeamX" so it appears I now have the real deal.

Might be worth updating the file hosted on No Mutants Allowed though.

I'll be sure to install unofficial patch 1.2 first, thanks .:)

Oh, I also just noticed that the Fallout 1 NPC mod hosted here on NMA is the wrong version too. It is supposedly v3.4, but when I downloaded it and checked the readme I found it to be v3.3. So I checked the TeamX website, downloaded the version there, and found that one really is v3.4, says so in the readme.

So, it appears that someone clever has updated NMA's file descriptions to v.1.3.4 and NPC Mod to v3.4, but failed to replace the actual files. :) Easy mistake to make given the files have the same filenames, got to read the readme files to tell which one is which.

Oh, also, I know there was a "Nimrod Dialog fixes" patch for v1.3.3, and a "Nimrod's Dialog fixes" for the v3.3 NPC mod, do I get those? Or do Fallout v.1.3.4 and v3.4 of the NPC patch already include those?
Nimrod's dialog fixes are not included in 1.3.4 and NPC 3.4. And due to some changes in the msg files of the patch and the mod, Nimrod fixes are incompatible with current versions. So, you'll lose some of the bugfixes if you mix those.
In fact, it's planned to include most of the Nimrod's work into the next release (v1.3.5). Some of his changes will be omitted scince they are more grammatically correct but are against the overall dialog style of the game.

P.S. By the way, some people where complaning recently about troubles with scripted scenes in Junktown (mostly Killian's assassination and Skulz' tassle at the bar ) while playnig with 1.2 + 1.3.4 + NPC3.4. Make us know if you'll run into that troubles too.
I updated those files. No idea what went wrong. Thanks for the notification, I'll fix them up ASAP.
Cool, glad I could be of help. :)

Alchemist said:
Nimrod's dialog fixes are not included in 1.3.4 and NPC 3.4. And due to some changes in the msg files of the patch and the mod, Nimrod fixes are incompatible with current versions. So, you'll lose some of the bugfixes if you mix those.

In fact, it's planned to include most of the Nimrod's work into the next release (v1.3.5). Some of his changes will be omitted scince they are more grammatically correct but are against the overall dialog style of the game.

P.S. By the way, some people where complaning recently about troubles with scripted scenes in Junktown (mostly Killian's assassination and Skulz' tassle at the bar ) while playnig with 1.2 + 1.3.4 + NPC3.4. Make us know if you'll run into that troubles too.

Ah, will do. I hope those "troubles" aren't horrible game-breaking bugs though. ;)

(Of course, original unmodded Fallout included plenty of potential horrible game-breaking bugs, so I not going to complain if a patch/mod fixes them all and then adds just one or two of its own.)
Well, it looks more like incompatibility with some unidentifyed release of the game than an own bugs of the patch. So I just want to find out with which one exactly. :)
Sorry for necroing this thread, but I have been trying to download Team X 1.3.5 patch from NMA and three years later the file here at NMA (hosted by atomic gamer) is STILL only version 1.3.3 according to the readme.

Could anyone please fix this, I don't know where else I could download the latest version of the Team X patch.

Thank you in advance.
Thank, I have just found that archive myself, but thank you! The filename is indeed the same, but the readme says its 1.3.5.

Maybe NMA should update this and also add the link you posted as the alternative download link, because the old alternative download link doesn't work anymore due to team x site being down.

EDIT: I also noticed that the teamx NPC mod hosted by NMA is an older version (1.3.3) although the description says its 1.3.4!

You can download the latest version (1.3.5) here:

NMA straighten out your download section goddamnit, you're supposed to be the ultimate Fallout recource. These files are almost impossible to find on the web (thank god that TeamX archive still works) so NMA could end up being a last resort for those who haven saved these files on their computer!

EDIT: So anyone at nma wants to update those files? You realize that nma will be the only place on the whole internet where it's possible to download these files if the team X archive should go down someday?