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  1. G

    Dumb, Jinxed, Melee, Solo Playthrough

    Haven't started playing just yet, I don't feel completely confident about certain choices. Melee Weapons VS. Unarmed. With melee weapons there is a chance that your opponent will be knocked back, meaning you have to chase him/her/it. This isn't a problem with unarmed. However there are a...
  2. G

    Dumb, Jinxed, Melee, Solo Playthrough

    Yeah, I try to counter that by focusing close to all my skill points in the combat skills. Less % to miss, less broken arms and hitting yourself. Exploding guns and lost ammo are a non-issue for me. At least at first.
  3. G

    Dumb, Jinxed, Melee, Solo Playthrough

    I've picked up Fallout 2 yet again and as such come to my favorite Fallout community for advice. This'll be my 12th-ish playthrough. Stopped counting honestly. And I want to make it different. Everyone heard of the infamous dumb playthrough. I want to do that, but with a twist. This...
  4. G

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It looks like a surprised eye 5/10. Look it up, Ghostwriter. Still no clue. Any good?
  5. G

    For fellow writers: How do you motivate yourself?

    When I write my comedy, I have a benefit because I don't have to start from scratch. Whenever I experience, or think of something funny, I write it down. Later I can reconnect to that feeling and start extending on that thought. However if I want to get psyched, I just watch some comedians...
  6. G

    Google+ Appreciation Station

    I never got Facebook, or social networking in general. Why would you have the urge to document EVERY single thought online? "Bob is eating a turkey sandwhich, raise the roof". Who gives a flying f*ck?
  7. G

    Zombie Sex

    Think of the possibilities! There are a LOT of extra orifices to use.
  8. G


    Nietzsche right?
  9. G

    How Would You Handle Somali Pirates?

    That accent, "Whjat the fuck is thjaat? Whje Ghave aa Granaade". :lol: I'd make them work in Disney World Florida; "Somalian Pirates, The Ride".
  10. G

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Ooooooh, artsy-fartsy. 7/10.
  11. G


    Much better, I'll start working on it. I'm having an insanely busy period though, so it might take a while. Nice, looks a bit like the sketches I usually do, maybe I can upload some as well. I'd finish the sketches though, you got all the outlines right, now you just need to fill it out...
  12. G

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It goes round, and round, 9/10 for the warm feelings of nostalgia.
  13. G


    This picture reminds me of Gizmo somehow.
  14. G

    Rate the avatar above yours.

  15. G

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Funny that there's a Dutch flag in the video. Listening to: Holey Dime - Desert Sessions.
  16. G


    Do show, you've piqued my interest my good man. And you weren't to critical, I understand a fellow's artist scrutinizing eye. :) I'll try some celebrities if I don't get a better picture. How about Pete Hines? That should be easy, and an outlet to vent my frustration. I can try, but like...
  17. G


    The pope? What he'd ever do to you? ;) He was in the hitlerjugend by the way. But then again, I believe every German child born in that era was.
  18. G


    Thanks, I went for a more realistic look on this one, and it's still a draft really. Just trying to figure out what's the best approach. But you're probably right, it's not exaggerated enough, still too realistic. But I'll remember that with the next one. Just out of curiosity, what...
  19. G


    These guys always f*cked up my Fallout searches. Snooki want smush smush!
  20. G


    Did this one this morning, only took me about an hour. Unfortunately my scanner didn't get all the shading.