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  1. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Oh right yes, I actually intended to mention that but it slipped my mind for some reason. So yeah, there's the ban of Saigas/Veprs, but that's a little different in that it's not a ban for the sake of gun control, but is basically part of an embargo. If it's not lifted after the political...
  2. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    As far as I'm aware, no legislation to ban any sort of firearm or even restrict their features or accessories has been passed during President Obama's tenure, either with or without his involvement. I believe he did try to push through a new federal "assault weapon" ban in the wake of Sandy...
  3. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I would definitely advise the USP over a Glock. I tried a few Glocks (rentals at the range); they are okay, and their reputation for reliability is well-deserved, but, ergonomically, they're bricks. As SuA said, I see how they got their place as service weapons, but I don't see why anyone...
  4. K

    Is there an anime that is even more disgusting than Boku no Pico?

    The question is, what were you doing that you discovered these things and made a conscious decision to watch it? Also, why is this limited to anime? Would it be less disgusting if it was live-action, or western animation?
  5. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Yeah, it is a little odd, isn't it? Even more so considering I'm in California. But then Bakersfield (and the central valley in general) is sort of a bastion of conservatism in the otherwise very liberal (and not fond of guns) state. While I don't really identify with hard-core conservatives on...
  6. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    While the .280Br seems like it would've made a better choice if it wasn't for us silly Americans (or rather, our silly military leaders), there's a newer version of the 5.56 called the M855A1 (the previous incarnation being the M855). Supposedly it has superior penetration and more consistent...
  7. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    They have adjustments. You have to sight them in -- I'm thinking in order to make the gun as stable as possible and prevent me throwing off the aim it should be stabilized on some sandbags or with a bipod. You aim at a target (preferably with a grid pattern on it), note where the shot hit versus...
  8. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Well at this point is appears I'm just talking to myself and I'm making a quadruple post, but ah well. My collection has suddenly and unexpectedly expanded from 2 (my FNP-9 and HP 995) to 3. I put $50 into a fundraising raffle for a local animal shelter fully expecting that I was really just...
  9. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Alright, so I finally got the Hi Point in-hand on Friday, and took it to the range Saturday. Here it is stock: Here it is after I put on a few accessories (muzzle brake, cheek pad, aftermarket charging handle, some aftermarket shroud bolts, spare mags w/ stock holster, strap, and red dot...
  10. K

    Putting an NMA bar in Wasteland 2 (goal reached!)

    Hm. I don't really see a good solution for this. I definitely don't have the email from BN or from ChipIn; I regularly go through and delete all my old emails and I didn't give any thought to saving the emails at the time. I mean the bar being in is the important thing, but it certainly would be...
  11. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    So, I was all excited to pick up my carbine today. I'm talking to the guy handling the FFL transfer and he suddenly says, "you know there's a 10 day waiting period right?" So I says, "that's only for handguns, not long guns, right?" And he replies, "nope, it's for all guns." So apparently, they...
  12. K

    PC Performance - Firefox and Iobit (More Software than Hardware)

    Get rid of any and all programs that claim to enhance performance in some way. With a few odd exceptions (like CCleaner), they're all snake-oil shit that will mostly eat up resources while doing little or nothing of value (assuming they're legit; a lot of the time, they're really just malware...
  13. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    The 1/3 co-witness thing makes sense. Alright, I'm set on a red-dot scope co-witnessed with the irons then. Thanks Sua. Should be getting the HP 995 on Monday. Unfortunately, my normal range is closed on Monday... so either I'll have to pay for a day-pass to the other range or wait until the...
  14. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    So, some more musings/eliciting opinions on optics and iron sights. I'm pretty much settled on a red-dot, only question now is: red-dot scope or red-dot reflex sight? Red-dot reflex seems like it should allow for a better sight-picture, since you don't have to look down a tube, and therefore...
  15. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Found an online dealer selling CA-legal HP 995s and a local private FFL who'd do the transfer for $35 (much better than $100). Should be getting it sometime next week! On the subject of optics, are all the cheap options complete junk? That Burris Fast Fire you recommend, for instance, looks to...
  16. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Well none of the gun shops in-town seem to have a distributor who has a CA-legal version of the 995 in stock. However, I did find one online who carries it. I'm going to try to get the ball rolling on an FFL transfer (adds $100 to the price, pretty substantial when we're talking about a $300...
  17. K

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I've been looking at getting a second firearm after my FNP-9. I definitely wanted a rifle, but getting anything decent there seems to require north of a grand, and the cost of 5.56 ammo on top makes me even more hesitant (much as I loved shooting my co-worker's AR the couple times I've gone to...
  18. K

    Obsidian to develop (console and PC) SouthPark RPG

    Judging from the trailer, the game looks pretty damn good. How about that.
  19. K

    Erratic Internet connection

    Is this a gateway we're talking about (a gateway is the modem and router being a single unit) or a router that is separate from the modem? If it's a separate router, then doing a factory reset definitely shouldn't impact your internet connection. If you have any custom settings for your local...