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  1. McRae


  2. McRae

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    I could finally get around to try your solutions. Here are my findings. So, deleting "" did remove the floating warning text, but exiting a map would still lead to a crash, sometimes it would work for a time and then crash some more. Especially if, let's say I'm exiting the...
  3. McRae

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Ok first, let me tell you I can't wait to play with this beauty! You guys really put a fresh coat of paint on fo1. That being said, I have a resolution problem. I tried various combinations with the ddraw.ini & the f2_res.ini, and for the life of me can't make the game work with the scaling x2...
  4. McRae

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    5/10. Makes you wonder how they managed to electrify their guitars in the old world?
  5. McRae

    Fallout Haiku

    Face A and Face B Cook-Cook's flamer had its way With that tender meat.
  6. McRae

    Fallout Haiku

    Nothing is better Than a propelled projectile Going through an eye!
  7. McRae

    Kind thoughts (c===3)from France you old geezer! Happy New Year!

    Kind thoughts (c===3)from France you old geezer! Happy New Year!
  8. McRae

    Fallout Haiku

    A sawed-off shotgun, to make you shut your pie hole : two holes in your "soul". Next : your last stand in a building full of super mutants.
  9. McRae

    Desert Ranger Armor and Mistaken Identity

    Everything you need to know : @ AlphaPromethean : There's something you need to keep in mind, and it's that the memory of the Desert Rangers is still fresh. The New California Republic...
  10. McRae

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    The Antman lives near Canterbury Commons. Somebody, anybody.... please go there and blow his head off on my behalf.
  11. McRae

    Why there is not main page with news?

    Today, for a short time & while trying posting, I was redirected to the Tenpenny elevator music for maintenance was underway. Maybe something got broken? Anyway, I can't say there's a lot worth mentioning in the news lately.
  12. McRae

    Reality Glitches

    Here you go. Brief. As for the soul of comedy...
  13. McRae

    Aokigahara, the suicide forest in Japan.

    I know what you mean. I know what you mean. *nudge nudge wink wink*
  14. McRae

    Reality Glitches

    For fuck's sake, stop haunting my dreams!
  15. McRae

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Always one that won't follow orders. 10/10.
  16. McRae

    The Order is better than all of you.

    That would be assuming that there is still a Committee.
  17. McRae

    Disturbing Christmas News- Santa Shot down by Russkies.

    That was to be expected. I mean, what do you normally do when somebody forces their way through your chimney? That's right, It's called castle doctrine!
  18. McRae

    Fallout Haiku

    Ruins filled with ghouls. Untouched supllies still remain, If you dare searching. Next : ambushed for the first time by Talon mercs in Fallout 3.
  19. McRae

    Smell induced nostalgia

    Does it mean you usually eat the cup? :smile: