Disturbing Christmas News- Santa Shot down by Russkies.


Dear Community, sad tidings this Christmas as reports indicate that Santa Claus was, indeed, shot down by Russia in yet another move of Russia aggression and increased international tensions. So if you don't get your Christmas presents this year, or your children are denied their special little gifts.... you know who to blame.

For more on this story- http://dailycurrant.com/2014/12/24/russia-shoots-down-santas-sleigh-near-north-pole/

(of course I jest. Merry Christmas everyone!)
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"West set to retaliate by resurrecting Carl Marx, Lenin and Stalin or using time travel to retrieve them from the past and blow them up on live television"
Merry Christmas! Glad to Know you are still alive! I myself just returned from a prolonged hiatus.
Holy shit Welsh. I thought you got tired of NMA. Good to have one of the best OG posters back.
That was to be expected. I mean, what do you normally do when somebody forces their way through your chimney?

That's right, It's called castle doctrine!