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  1. C

    Fallout 2 RP translation

    Hey all, Any of you are or were involved in translating fallout 2 RP? I want to try my hand at translating Fallout 2 RP and would like to know the basics like what files to change, what tools to use etc, so I can do my own translation. Thanks
  2. C

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    And for some reason, even after convincing that commiting genocide on non-pure human is bad, you can't leave the room without taking that FEV...
  3. C

    So in the end, did the Super Mutants add to anything?

    Would have worked better if they renamed Fallout 3 to Fallout: Capital Wasteland, Fallout: New Vegas to Fallout 3, and removed the Enclave, BoS and SM out of the current FO3, oh, and Harold too. Not that i have a problem with Harold, but in DC? Come on, a little far wandering from the West coast...
  4. C

    Perception - affects weapon accuracy?

    Perception still affects their Energy weapons skill though, which indirectly improves their accuracy and damage by a bit Edit: Due to some glitch in my brain, I mixed up Energy weapons with small guns, corrected
  5. C

    Which Mods and Addons for beginner?

    and all of the DLC's bar Broken steel can be accessed as soon as you leave Vault 101, so basically Mothership Zeta and Operation Anchorage could be the 'cheezy' options
  6. C

    Charisma - only for speech and barter?

    In a speech check, both Charisma and Speech are taken into account, not just speech. Higher Charisma leads to easier speech checks, even with the same speech skill. But of course, if you rely heavily on Save and reload on speech checks, both charisma AND speech becomes useless to raise...
  7. C

    Yet Another Ammo Mod (YAAM) Feedback Thread

    One thing I did notice. Is the H&K G11e supposed to do more damage than .223 pistol per shot on soft targets? I was noticing that, despite its 13-23 damage range, it was often doing 30+ damage to the mercs outside of SF. Is that normal with the YAAM?
  8. C

    Critical hits should never be 0?

    Looks strange, but happens in real life. It doesn't take much to break some's neck if you know what to do, even if accidentally. There are quite a few weak spots in a human body that one could inflict heavy damage, if not death.
  9. C

    [FO2] Ass getting kicked alot. need pointers.

    Yes, but if the OP is having trouble around the VC area with a 10mm pistol, then it would be a good idea to back track to the den and get those upgrades for free. They are not exactly small upgrades either, and would help immensely.
  10. C

    Yet Another Ammo Mod (YAAM) Feedback Thread

    the +5 damage on Living anatomy after damage calculation is fine. It's a balanced talent late game, just a bit OP during early game where the +5 damage was a sizeable chunk of your original damage. Come to think of it, having Living anatomy apply to every bullet of a burst would make Minigun...
  11. C

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I personally have not noticed any crashes with regards to the new (or old, depending on what way you look at it) .223 pistol etc sound. I routinely give myself and my NPCs those weapons whereever possible and haven't noticed crashing often. I encountered random crashes due to shots missing and...
  12. C

    why not nuclear?

    It doesn't, it just stems the emission of other more toxic gases, such as carbon monoxide. At least to my knowledge.
  13. C

    Yet Another Ammo Mod (YAAM) Feedback Thread

    complete off topic, Regarding miniguns: chances of all 40 bullets hitting the deathclaw, assuming all bullets have a 95% chance to hit, is just over 12.85% (0.95^40) Even having at least half of the bullets to hit is only 35.85% chance
  14. C

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Like you do :P Edit: You might have hit a threshold level where he 'leveled' his gear and skills, hence why you might find him a tribal now and then a pistol toting raider a level or 2 later Edit #2: that might be a bug then.
  15. C

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    They are the same Kaga, the tribal version ran away, got geared and came back as a man in a pistol. EDIT: Curses, reply got ninja'ed :P
  16. C

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    oh, I am not sure if this is reported or there has been a way to correct it. But, the combat messages that state how much damage you get hit by, it sometimes just displays a comma or a full stop (period). It can happen to all types of hits, such as 0 damage hit, normal damage hit and critical...
  17. C

    why not nuclear?

    Ethanol and petroleum both only gives CO2 and water when burned 'completely' just like you said. But, in a standard car, fuel can never burn completely, leaving you stuff like carbon monoxide amongst other non-desirable by products produced from incomplete burning. Ethanol, because of the...
  18. C

    [FO1] I can live through a battle but ian and dogmeat....

    Yep, NPC companions in FO1 is much less devoloped than in Fallout 2. All they can do is use the best weapon in their inventory, but they wont change their armor. I gave up trying to keep them alive when i started meeting super mutants. Their miniguns and rocket launchers, coupled with the...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Oh, another thing, Having a quickie with Karl in the Den doesnt remove your 'Virgin of wastes' reputation. Also, is the picture depictings the Wanderer reputation the same as Shield of hope reputation? In my game they are the same. I will post a sample save later on when I am finished working
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    according to Per's guide, the high Unarmed skill is the only requirement (Skill and stats wise), but his guide also implies that having your ears bit off is also a requirement (which requires you having your HP to be 115 or lower. He didnt mention whether thats current HP or Max HP) I have...