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  1. S

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Same principle as always. Create with fake SJWs/feminists outlandish illogical demands so that the hate poster and youtuber can react to them. Hate and fear is the much stronger motivator to vote as reason, logic and empathy. So it works perfectly. It already worked at the last election.
  2. S

    Do you still have faith in Obsidian as a developer?

    So you think that Chris wrote NV alone? Sorry you are wrong, he wasn't even the lead writer of NV. Also do you think the original creators of Fallout aren't able to pull it off again?
  3. S

    New Fallout 1 Remake

    No worry the project lead was already passed on to the original initiator of it (not me). Not sure how and if Roy is continuing but the project is alive and well atm.
  4. S

    New Fallout 1 Remake

    As I did about 50% of the work in Fallout The Story, Arcoolka (the founder) about 30% and 20% the rest of the team back then that doesn't exists anymore, don't expect Fallout The Story to be finished after Arcoolka felt that I in reviving the project (which happened a short while ago, after...
  5. S

    Anyone know why Interplay settled re: V13/Fallout Online?

    Interplay settled because they reached their goal to squeeze more money out of Bethesda. Interplay at this stage wasn't capable to make, finance or maintain a MMO as they made the contract with Bethesda which allowed them to keep the rights if they make a MMO. It was all a big publicity scam to...
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    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    A new job changes people too: It's interesting that Tagaziel and me ended up on the opposite side.
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    Fallout 76 has the most depressing Vault story--even more than F4

    Yeah the party hats agree:
  8. S

    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    Yeah how convinent a sattelite radio is. These idiotic Enclave people didn't know about it. It would have been so easy with sattelite radio. Also Maxsons scribes are really evil or total incompetent they didn't warn Elder Lyons about this big dragons in the sky over Appalachia. I disagree.
  9. S

    Oxhorn: a solid Reference for Fallout Lore.

    No he isn't at all:
  10. S

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    It isn't Fallout. So you can stop thinking about suicide.
  11. S

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Sorry that's not BGS anymore. The canvas bag costs 7$ but hey you get a free postman outfit from FO4 which is there free additional to it. Btw. that's real.
  12. S

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Or be themself (POS). It has become full circle.
  13. S

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Is a nonsens typical fan theory. I can't remember how often Obsidian stated that they would be happy to make another Fallout game if Bethesda wants too. It was a lot. So no they don't hate each other.
  14. S

    Tale of Two Wastelands 3.2 release

    You don't have to follow them Rise for the test, simply wait a day or two on a route marker and see if they show up. That's the planned behavior for them. The advantage is they don't get in any fights that way and you see if the general AI (packages) do what it is supposed to do. While following...
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    Tale of Two Wastelands 3.2 release

    The mainquest is all about your father and that your father left the Vault. You are on a search for your daddy (as you are in FO4 in search for your son) and finishing his passion project. Also remind you a lot of NPCs that you are fresh out of the Vault.
  16. S

    Tale of Two Wastelands 3.2 release

    Yeah you have to change the narrative too in the game. Everyone knows and acknowledge constantly that you came from Vault 101. Sorry understood you wrong.
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    Tale of Two Wastelands 3.2 release

    Sorry Norzan your information isn't correct. The quest with which the games start is called CG00 (VCG00 in NV) and yes you can make a mod to completely skip it, if you want to have the random encounters and the revisit in Vault 101 in your main game then you have to set some questvariables but...
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    Tale of Two Wastelands 3.2 release

    It was relatively 'easy' to port FO3 to NV. Both engines they are running are very similar. You can almost directly use meshes, animations & texture from FO3 and let them work in NV. That's why a automated conversion of FO3 files to NV is possible. In FO4 you have to remake a ton of stuff...
  19. S

    50 Minutes of 76

    It was the big Dragon ... ohhh sorry Scorchebeast that blasted them away with his fire dragonbreath ... oh sorry scorchray. But no worry you can defeat the Dragon ... ohhh sorry Scorchebeast with your Pipepistol.
  20. S

    50 Minutes of 76

    I suspected that too. But actually no ... it seems to go further reading a lot on Reddit.