Obsidian is a great developer or it used to br. I'm concerned that they are not as good as they were when they made their best. I remember long ago Chris Avellone left. He was the one who helped make the studio great
Yep, Gonzalez has left Obsidian too.So you think that Chris wrote NV alone? Sorry you are wrong, he wasn't even the lead writer of NV. Also do you think the original creators of Fallout aren't able to pull it off again?
I don't know if I can stomach Gamebryo much anymore. I could when I was younger and most games I had played weren't very RPG-like. I will say if it wasn't for Fallout New Vegas and Oblivion I probably wouldn't be here.If it turns out to be another flop, we can still look forward to Starfield I guess? Here's hoping that's not the case.
You probably won't have to seeing how they currently are doing things. Having Windows 10 is enough it seems to have just about any exclusive they'll have. You can even get MCC on Steam. It could all change of course. I guess I will be upgrading to 10 on my new rig whenever I do that but I'm still dual booting for either Windows 7 or XP (if I can) because I know 10 has issues with some older games.now I have to own all three consoles of this generation.
Haven't been able to physically own PC games since like 2008 so... I'll pass.You probably won't have to seeing how they currently are doing things. Having Windows 10 is enough it seems to have just about any exclusive they'll have.
Fair enough!Haven't been able to physically own PC games since like 2008 so... I'll pass.
I'd say that part is kinda irrelevant to the other games they make and even if he was still around, it's not likely Obsidian would ever work on a Fallout title again in the near future.If anything Avellone leaving is a good thing? He was veering too far into the 'NUKE EVERYTHING AGAIN' territory