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  1. brfritos

    Mobile Games - What's the appeal?

    PC x Consoles? Are you sure people?
  2. brfritos

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    It's just a lot more than that, the discution is pretty interesting.
  3. brfritos

    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    This is also the reason I don't play games from AAA publishers anymore. It's always the same BS talk: we need to be inclusive, we need to talk about gender, we need not to be offensive, we need to respect women, let's not forget "insert here your favorite minority or group" and etc. How about...
  4. brfritos

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    All the time, the guy really like to mess up with people. :D I know this is not the thread, nor the game is an RPG, but I'm really curious what he will do in Dying Light 2. The first game builted a strong, very good and cohesive...
  5. brfritos

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I think the worst part is the BoS. The idea of a group of them being sent west looking for thecnology, then some members changing their mind in the middle of the journey because the suffering they saw along the way, while other members don't care and wish to continue the original mission...
  6. brfritos

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Wait a second! What about the thousands of dollars, hookers and infinite lines of snow you have promissed for the marketing?!
  7. brfritos

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    You should try TTW, then. The new version is strong. Plus you have the option to play the parts of FO3 you've liked and then return to the Mojave, without being forced to complete the game. :cool:
  8. brfritos

    Subm.: Mass Effect

    Leviathan and Javik been a DLC is a kick in the head after getting shot in the head! 8-) One of the problems of Leviathan is the conclusion. Why Shepard needs then for? Sure, they are powerfull... against one Reaper. Why Shepard can't refuse their arguments and send a message to the Reaper...
  9. brfritos

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Never played FO4 and everytime I think to give it a try, I can't. The game is pure poop.
  10. brfritos

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    If I remember correctly, no Fallout games have sex between companions, isn't? Yes, you can have sex with prostitutes, be a pornstar, a fluffer, have sex with some NPCs, but specifically with companions I don't recall. As I stated before I think it's for the best, never saw this kind of option...
  11. brfritos

    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    Plase people, everyone knows that the hottest character IN THE EXISTENCE OF VIDEO GAMES is Mileena. :wiggle: Or that hot chick from Quake 2, the Iron Maiden... :smug:
  12. brfritos

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    I know the site/forum Lover's Lab. Romance and such things in games are stupid and downright retarded because "you have to reach larger audiences". So you can't have nudity, nuances between characters or even something based in real life scenarios because of that. Games like Mass Effect are...
  13. brfritos

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Rape. Can I rape? No Bondage. Can I tie and spank my partner? No Threesomes. Can I have two partners at the same time? No So no, sex or romance in games can't be roleplayed and are half-assed.
  14. brfritos

    Initial Impressions: ME: Andromeda (Spoilers Inside)

    Sorry for the late response, but better late than never, hun? Thanks a lot for your response and for the nice review of the game. I liked how you compared ME:A to SWTFA because they are the same genre: fantasy sci-fi, not sci-fi. Just like LoTR is fantasy... I don't know? Epic fantasy? Fantasy...
  15. brfritos

    Initial Impressions: ME: Andromeda (Spoilers Inside)

    What about the story so far, the design is good? And exploration, is a grind fest or you have other options to acquire materials? I read complains that the story is childish as fuck. And what about the races? There's something different than the usual "humanoid in form" or there are more...
  16. brfritos

    Resident Evil: Zombies, Plagues, and Hot Main Characters

    Just a question: the porn SFM that swing in full throtle these days can be considered "on topic"? :scratch:
  17. brfritos

    Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

    The first Mass Effect, while not the best RPG, much less combat sim, had a interesting setting and decent story that could lead to interesting developments and situations. Also the universe was a very rich one, with TONS of races, planets, societies and politics. The best of all, this universe...
  18. brfritos

    What's your favorite moment from New Vegas?

    Heck, why can I help Eden, but not convince the guy in the Enclave with a resonable plan (by Enclave standards anyway) that I would like to join forces with him? Also you can't refuse to help Eden and tell him to take that vial and shove it. It's unforgivable. Oh, the best moments? FNV...
  19. brfritos

    How's the DLC?

    For those crying, like myself, because of the sh!@%&#tty fu^%^@@^#&@cking piece of garbage the gameplay of OWB is, I recommend Puce Moose Tweak and Balance Center @ the Nexus. You can download and install only the modules you want, so players aren't forced to use something they don't need and...
  20. brfritos

    Fallout 4: One Year Later

    Actually the guy in the video is discussing this: Bethesda didn't decided if FO4 is a god or a troll. The result is this mish-mash of loose opportunities, lazyness and good ideas being wasted in the shallowest possible manner. For those - like me - who like to read a text instead of view a...