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  1. L

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Looks great! I would add some hadlights on roof. Or maybe mounted gun with roof exit. At the back of that truck I would add gas carnisters and some other useful stuff.
  2. L

    Scenery stuff and such...

    I recently made this for FOnline: Reloaded (not sure if they'll use it tho). I decided to share it with wider audience. Feel free to use it/modify it etc.
  3. L

    New animations 2

    Not sure if he is showing "ok" or "f you" :P [edit] ...or Sieg Heil.
  4. L

    A Pre-War Fallout game?

    Oh no, that was awful. I hate Bethesdas take on Fallout universe. It's WAAAY overdone with 50's theme, IMO So yeah, Mad Max is closer to first Fallouts than anything aout there. Hell, I have an idea for the title for such mod - Ragnarok. You could use some of ideas from wikipedia about...
  5. L

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Yes, please! Miria mod is really well done and it would be nice to have it as an optional install in RP! Anyway, big thanks to everyone involved in making this awesome mod and its components! I know this is probably the last big update for this mod, but I hope you will still make some...
  6. L

    Cant make it to San Francisco....

    Whenever you have a map encounter, start pushing A button repeatedly. Than just slowly move yourself backwards to exit, mumbling some prayer to god and crying like a little girl. :P
  7. L

    Why is Fallout 3 so hated?

    - Lame dialogues - SPECIAL is not so important anymore - Fckd up quests. Here's example: A guy i lying infront of a city. He said he is dying out of thirsty. I gave him like 20 bottles of clear water and he was still lying there asking for some water. It's an shitty MMORPG-like fetch quest...
  8. L

    New Fallout 1 Hi-Res Main Menu Screens.

    Thanks :) I took it from They give some freebee stuff if you buy the game (wallpapers, Fallout Bible pdf etc.) I cropped the PA from this picture: As for the background, I just googled "Fallout...
  9. L

    Bad things of fo1,2?

    - AI of my teammates, aka "I'm low on health! Let's run right into that enemy mutant with minigun and ask him for stimpaks" aka "Oh, the Vault Dweller is in front of me? Let me shoot in a burst mode!" - AI of enemies - they often act stupid. - In FO2 I hate first two locations (Arroyo and...
  10. L

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    1) Fallout - great story and atmosphere 1) Fallout 2 - great gameplay, improved mechanics, longer game Both are tied as nr 1 on my list 3) Fallout NV - I enjoyed it. But main story was "meh". And Caesar Legion was just silly. Still, a decent game. 4) Fallout Tactics - I personally didn't...
  11. L

    Those Behind the Fallout

    Bladerunner - .223 Pistol design and probably more... Hard Boiled - 10mm pistol design Terminator - whole SAD and skynet thingie.
  12. L

    1950s Europe?

    Well, if I made a Fallout game placed in Europe, I would make it like a Necropolis, but on a much bigger scale. Normal survivors would have small settlements, fighting for survival and fending off endless armies of ghouls and other mutated beasts. Protagonist would be born in one of smaller...
  13. L

    What engine SHOULD the Fallout Series run on?

    "I bought this game only for its awesome cloth physics!" - no one ever.
  14. L

    FULL CG Artworks of Advanced Power Armor MK-II (FAN ART)

    This is so awesome, that even the Master is speechless:
  15. L

    Fallout Fixt

    I don't think any patch disables the day limit. And to my knowledge, Fixt doesn't diseble it either. You would probably need separate mod for this. But still, I replay the game now in 'legitimate way' (playing it as if I didn't know where to look for the chip etc.), and basicly something...
  16. L

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    I have a small idea you could add to the game (if it's possible). Make it that when you reload your weapon, you have a reloading animation. Those animations are there, but they are used as default idle animations.
  17. L

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Wow. I can't wait till you move it to F2 engine! Are you planning to make long hair/bald dude playable characters? :) BTW! If you need some Loading screens/main menu screen, you can use these I've made...
  18. L

    New Fallout 1 Hi-Res Main Menu Screens.

    You could also try work with this wallpaper: It's from GOG. Highest resolution of this image is 1920x1200 [EDIT] OK, so I've edited image by myself. Here's raw image: And here is the image...
  19. L

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I just noticed that I've installed ol version of your Fixt *sigh* Good thing I wasn't that far :) Any chance, that you implement some of the Fallout 2 features in the future? I'm talking about these: - Different colors in targeting system (yellow for non visible objects, green for...
  20. L

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I'm just reinstalling my good old Fallout and I will try this baby right now. It looks really neat.