Cant make it to San Francisco....


First time out of the vault
I am on my first play through of Fallout 2 and trying to get to San Francisco for the power armor and electronic lockpicks. But I keep getting killed by enclave patrols or when I head east its the aliens/Fire Geckos/deathclaws.

I am only level 7 though but I know people do it at lvl 1.

Any tips?
Welcome to the forums.

Save right before you head out there.

If you click the upside down triangle while in the wastes of the world map, you can enter that empty map and make a new save. I stress "new" save here because you don't want to lose your progress if you mess up or the game gets corrupt somehow.

So enter an empty map about where you start encountering the enclave ect. and save.

Keep entering empty maps after some progress, saving along the way.
(I would alternate save slots)

You'll make it there eventually.
Indeed, I save once every 2 map squares cleared, sufficient to avoid most encounters. (If you got good perception and scouting skills, even easier to avoid those dangerously lethal encounters).
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

If you want a bit of extra insurance, you could also pick up a garbage NPC partner you don't want to use later and hope that they'll serve as enough of a distraction while you peace the fuck out to the map exit. It may not work well against the Enclave since they'll likely have at least one dude with burst weaponry, but it could help you make it past some Deathclaws or something.
mobucks said:
So enter an empty map about where you start encountering the enclave ect. and save.

I recently had to do what with an IN1 character I made. Having no skill points to "waste" on outdoorsman, as the game progressed, the "guaranteed encounters" became almost madenning :D Below average perception probably aggravated this as well.
Getting anywhere required doing precisely that, move a square, enter, save, move a square, enter, save O.-
Whenever you have a map encounter, start pushing A button repeatedly. Than just slowly move yourself backwards to exit, mumbling some prayer to god and crying like a little girl.

Deziant said:
I am on my first play through of Fallout 2 and trying to get to San Francisco for the power armor and electronic lockpicks.
You've spoiled it for yourself before actually playing the game? Oh well. Do not torture yourself with the San-Fran anabasis, just grab some editor instead and put those items right in your inventory. Prepare yourself for a completely ruined gameplay though, you nasty cheater! :P
Lavo said:
Whenever you have a map encounter, start pushing A button repeatedly. Than just slowly move yourself backwards to exit, mumbling some prayer to god and crying like a little girl.


haha, word! I found that this works in Fallout 1 every damn time, 100% guaranteed: when the encounter starts, start pushing A (attack!) button and open combat, then move as far away from the enemies as possible - toward the exit grid - and when you run out of action points the combat starts to close, but then start hitting A again - and keep doing that until you get to the exit grid.

It didn't work that easily in Fallout 2, though - enemies keep seeing you and start combat before you and attack, ruining your ingenious deus ex machina escape! The solution for that is moving enough hexes so that you're left with 1AP, then turn on Sneak and press Enter, ending combat, then smash A again - the enemies are less likely to notice you and most of the time you should be able to make your way to the exit grid without any hassle, you cheater, you :wink: