Lavo said:
Whenever you have a map encounter, start pushing A button repeatedly. Than just slowly move yourself backwards to exit, mumbling some prayer to god and crying like a little girl.
haha, word! I found that this works in Fallout 1 every damn time, 100% guaranteed: when the encounter starts, start pushing
A (attack!) button and open combat, then move as far away from the enemies as possible - toward the exit grid - and when you run out of action points the combat starts to close, but then start hitting
A again - and keep doing that until you get to the exit grid.
It didn't work that easily in Fallout 2, though - enemies keep seeing you and start combat before you and attack, ruining your ingenious
deus ex machina escape! The solution for that is moving enough hexes so that you're left with 1AP, then turn on
Sneak and press
Enter, ending combat, then smash
A again - the enemies are less likely to notice you and most of the time you should be able to make your way to the exit grid without any hassle, you cheater, you