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  1. H

    My first Fallout playthrough starts today.

    So I restarted and things really started to pick up. I came accross a lone old car shop in the waste and a loony standing outside it trying to sell me rust old cars, I broke into the building and found a BB gun, that does 25-25 damage! Wut! Truly I am blessed by the heavens. Strenghtened in...
  2. H

    Fallout city construction game?

    A full on city-building game where you expand your settlement, gather resources and defende yourselves against enemies would be a very nice spin-off.
  3. H

    Your Fallout 5 wishlist

    The gang that made New Vegas. Set in Oregon.
  4. H

    My first Fallout playthrough starts today.

    I just got killed by Ian in Vault 15, I tried to stab a rat behind him but instead stabbed him, and he shot me in the face :D And the best part is that Ieven missed my accidental stab! xD This game, and I love you Ian.
  5. H

    How would you have re-done Fallout 3's lore?

    I have imagined the last few days a game set about the same time of Fallout 1, somewhere 50-100 years after the great war. DC and the surrounding area is a allround crappy place, even for post-nuclear war America since it was massively bombed in the great war. People mostly survived in the...
  6. H

    My first Fallout playthrough starts today.

    So how do I get this mod?
  7. H

    My first Fallout playthrough starts today.

    So I have started a new, moving some skills around and switch one starting trait as well. I'm generally average but with low charisma. The idea is that I'm uncharismatic and not very good and talking to people or communicating in general, but has been chosen for this mission thanks to my quick...
  8. H

    My first Fallout playthrough starts today.

    I will do my best to enjoy it. Hmm, perhaps, it's not patched in teh steam version? Will remember that for fallout 2. So I did write a quite long text about my following adventures but my cat decided to sleep on my computer and push the off-button while I scratched his cute little head...
  9. H

    My first Fallout playthrough starts today.

    I will do my best to enjoy it. Hmm, perhaps, it's not patched in teh steam version? Will remember that for fallout 2. So I did write a quit long text about my following adventures but my cat decided to sleep on my computer and push the off-button while I scratched his cute little head, very...
  10. H

    My first Fallout playthrough starts today.

    So I just got Fallout, the steam version. I have only played Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 (partly, it's not that good) before but never the good old ones, so here I am, a few years late to the party, but hey better late than never right? So I'm playing as Krumo Grunk, a 25 year...
  11. H

    Which minor faction(s) would you make a major one?

    Most plausible would be BoS, they have the will and military power to at least attempt it, with House's robot army they could turn the Mojave into their own Techophilic realm. Setting up a federation of Westside, Northside and Freeside to topple House and the 3 families would be another...
  12. H

    Weapons in Fallout 4?

    What did they replace it with? Or did'nt they? Can't you repair wepons now or can't wepons get broken anymore?
  13. H

    Not So Good End for BoS in Wild Card Ending

    The courier handing over the power over New Vegas to the brotherhood would be an interresting ending.
  14. H

    Favorite FONV Equipment?

    My favourite equipment is the Desert ranger armour found in Zion canyon, with the desert ranger helmet being my battle-gear and a roving trader hat being my regular headwear, usually I also wear a pair of authority glasses. My weapons are a nice 10 mm pistol for short-range use (or some similar...
  15. H

    A group of Legionaries run up to you...

    Since I killed off the legionaries in Nipton in my two last gameplays they started to attack me after that, it was really scary, they are really hard to kill and I only had ED-E for support, so my solution was to always carry with me a grenade launcher to kill them off when they approached.
  16. H

    Vault Ideas For Fallout 4

    What about a normal vault? Filled with enough people to sustain a population without inbredding, about a thousand maybe, that are ordered and trained to become a functionl society and prepare to aid the Enclave in their reconquest of the mainland. Just that the Enclave failed and the vault never...
  17. H

    Fav weapon...why?

    yeah that's the one! Yup, personally I love it.
  18. H

    Fallout 4: The Commonwealth

    I like it, it would make a great game.
  19. H

    Many men and their dogs

    I don't like dogs, they run of and die all the time, on hardcore it's basicly (fnv) take rex out for a walk, he runs off, dead.
  20. H

    Fav weapon...why?

    I usually use rifles, I love rifles. Fo3: I can't really say i had a fav weapon, i remember enjoying the Hunting Rifle and of course Lincoln's Repeater, those were nice guns, but I wasn't as "locked" with my prefferable weapon choices as I was in FnV. FnV: I have used several guns a lot. For...