My first Fallout playthrough starts today.


First time out of the vault
So I just got Fallout, the steam version. I have only played Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 (partly, it's not that good) before but never the good old ones, so here I am, a few years late to the party, but hey better late than never right?

So I'm playing as Krumo Grunk, a 25 year old man from Vault 13 that are good at fixing things and opening doors, not much else, and I have just failed to stab a rat 7 times in a row.

I'm sitting in the caverns somewhere outside the huge metal door hindering me from returning to my home breathing heavely. Below me is the puddle of the remains of a very stubborn and agile rodent. I curse my overconfidence quietly while putting some alcohol on the wound. I stand up and put my knife back into the sheet, rodenty sounds is heard in the shadows.

-"Guns it is then".

Let the adventure begin! To the wastes!

I will post some updates of my ever first, "try to not die once", playthrough of Fallout in this here very thread.
I thought video games were for fucking nerds back when I was 13 in '97 and then I saw a Desert Eagle equipped on my friends computer screen and the rest is history. I really hope you enjoy it. It might not be the best CRPG or fast paced enough for today's audience, but it's history and it's worth it. There are people here that would give their right arm to experience it for the first time again.
You should patch the game first, to restore the original content changes done to it, and to fix the incredible number of bugs found over the years.
Even if the engine is outdated, the story is classic. The original has a few bugs, but *most* are not game breaking. When you progress to Fallout 2, don't even try to start the game until you apply Killap's patch or his Fallout 2 Restoration Project.
I thought video games were for fucking nerds back when I was 13 in '97 and then I saw a Desert Eagle equipped on my friends computer screen and the rest is history. I really hope you enjoy it. It might not be the best CRPG or fast paced enough for today's audience, but it's history and it's worth it. There are people here that would give their right arm to experience it for the first time again.

I will do my best to enjoy it.

You should patch the game first, to restore the original content changes done to it, and to fix the incredible number of bugs found over the years.

Hmm, perhaps, it's not patched in teh steam version?

Even if the engine is outdated, the story is classic. The original has a few bugs, but *most* are not game breaking. When you progress to Fallout 2, don't even try to start the game until you apply Killap's patch or his Fallout 2 Restoration Project.

Will remember that for fallout 2.

So I did write a quit long text about my following adventures but my cat decided to sleep on my computer and push the off-button while I scratched his cute little head, very annoying, still he is a cutie so I forgave him.

My playthrough didn't go that well, I salyed some rats and met a random wanderer in the desert and then found Shady Sands. In there I couldn't really do much. I visited Vault 15 but didn't find anything and then aborted the mission to clear the radscorpion caves due to heavy HP-loss and too high cost of ammo. Eventually I got tired of mucking about Shady' and went south, ran into a raider camp.

The raider guy told me: "Holster that thing and go talk to the boss, he really cares for his warriors"
I went into the house and the boss guy asked who the fuck I was. When I told him I was an explorer he said "I don't like people like that, like this guy" and then he shot me and scored a critical. I tried to run away but one of his women blocked the doorway and I got killed.

Such ended the adventures of Krumo Grunk.

Seriously though I kinda fucked the playthrough up, I didn't find any loot since I didn't know about the shift key so when I headed south and died I hadn't picked up anything besides 3 radscorpion tails. For some reason I was also at day 29 already without finsihing a single quest.
I thought video games were for fucking nerds back when I was 13 in '97 and then I saw a Desert Eagle equipped on my friends computer screen and the rest is history. I really hope you enjoy it. It might not be the best CRPG or fast paced enough for today's audience, but it's history and it's worth it. There are people here that would give their right arm to experience it for the first time again.

I will do my best to enjoy it.

You should patch the game first, to restore the original content changes done to it, and to fix the incredible number of bugs found over the years.

Hmm, perhaps, it's not patched in teh steam version?

Even if the engine is outdated, the story is classic. The original has a few bugs, but *most* are not game breaking. When you progress to Fallout 2, don't even try to start the game until you apply Killap's patch or his Fallout 2 Restoration Project.

Will remember that for fallout 2.

So I did write a quite long text about my following adventures but my cat decided to sleep on my computer and push the off-button while I scratched his cute little head, very annoying, still he is a cutie so I have forgiven him.

My playthrough didn't go that well, I slayed some rats and met a random wanderer in the desert and then found Shady Sands. In there I couldn't really do much. I visited Vault 15 but didn't find anything and then aborted the mission to clear the radscorpion caves due to heavy HP-loss and too high loss of ammo. Eventually I got tired of mucking about Shady' and went south and ran straight into a raider camp.

The raider guy told me: "Holster that thing and go talk to the boss, he really cares for his warriors"
I went into the house and the boss guy asked who the fuck I was. When I told him I was an explorer he said "I don't like people like that, kill this guy" and then he shot me and scored a critical. I tried to run away but one of his women blocked the doorway and I got killed.

Such ended the adventures of Krumo Grunk.

Seriously though I kinda fucked the playthrough up, I didn't find any loot since I didn't know about the shift key so when I headed south and died I hadn't picked up anything besides 3 radscorpion tails. For some reason I was also at day 29 already without finishing a single quest.

So since I also honestly died horribly and fairly. I will restart the game and do a bit better.
So I have started a new, moving some skills around and switch one starting trait as well.

I'm generally average but with low charisma. The idea is that I'm uncharismatic and not very good and talking to people or communicating in general, but has been chosen for this mission thanks to my quick mind and good weaponskills.
Hmm, perhaps, it's not patched in teh steam version?
The original games had content omissions done to them in order to be sold in Germany and the UK. I don't have the Steam version, but the GoG version was tampered with [iirc] even before Bethesda re-released it.

In the regular Fallout [disk install], Shady Sands is a peaceful town with kids running around in it... Do you see any kids in Shady Sands?... My guess is that you see a big pack of dogs—or a rather sparse community.
You can only applies the patch that fix bugs and not the mod that restores cut content, if you want a vanilla experience.

Anyway, good luck and have fun.
The original games had content omissions done to them in order to be sold in Germany and the UK. I don't have the Steam version, but the GoG version was tampered with [iirc] even before Bethesda re-released it.

In the regular Fallout [disk install], Shady Sands is a peaceful town with kids running around in it... Do you see any kids in Shady Sands?... My guess is that you see a big pack of dogs—or a rather sparse community.
You can only applies the patch that fix bugs and not the mod that restores cut content, if you want a vanilla experience.

Anyway, good luck and have fun.

So how do I get this mod?
I just got killed by Ian in Vault 15, I tried to stab a rat behind him but instead stabbed him, and he shot me in the face :D

And the best part is that Ieven missed my accidental stab! xD

This game, and I love you Ian.
There is a limitation in the first game that comes of how they implemented party members. Fallout wasn't designed or planned to have them...(it was just a neat idea one day, and they tacked it on using scripting). The problem with it though, was that there were no hooks built into the engine for it, to truly support it, and so the party members cannot actually see the PC on the map.

This is the root cause for their infamous behavior in combat—do not stand between Ian and his target in combat; especially if Ian has the SMG.

Because of the scripted nature of them, one must be very aware of Ian (and/or any other party member) while indoors, in tight spaces; save your game when this happens. It is very possible for one of them to follow you into a corner and stand their in your way indefinitely, or stand in a doorway. There is no way to get them to move; other than putting enough distance between them and the PC, or attacking them.

Also this affects inventory item trading, again because of their scripted nature, there is no direct means of getting your traded stuff back; they will consider it theirs, and only trade for it. The developers simply made it so that steal attempts on them always succeed. So you must use the steal skill to pick their pockets for your items.
So I restarted and things really started to pick up. I came accross a lone old car shop in the waste and a loony standing outside it trying to sell me rust old cars, I broke into the building and found a BB gun, that does 25-25 damage! Wut! Truly I am blessed by the heavens.

Strenghtened in body and spirit by my new trusty BB' and the loot from Vault 15 (got some nice leather gear, hand grenades and a spear) I bravely ventured out to recuse that sweet girl Tandi from some musky raiders.

Me and my trusty bud Ian strolled right into their camp and ignored the first guy we met, ofc they opened fire since we were carrying openly. I quickly felled two in on fell swoop with my BB gun and Ian gunned down the guy behind us, after that we stormed the building and started shooting left right and centre. The raider boss, "Gargl" or whatever his name was quickly fell before the might of the vault Dwellers mighty BB gun. And some raider girls got beaten into a bloody pulp by Ians strong firsts, (Ian is fucking brutal).

After the main battle was won I picked the lock to Tandis cell while Ian walked outside beating and kicking raiders to death inside some tents.

Back in Shady I became a hero, I was really appreciated :) But Tandi the bitch didn't even want to return the favor, apperently she is the kind of girl that's too good to have sex with the guy that just killed 15 other men to rescue her.

However after this magnificent victory me and my best bud Ian travelled south to Junktown. The guard was being rude at the gate and didn't want to let us in, so I waited til' morning and we got let in. While inside we started to visit some houses. Most people didn't want to talk with us and in one building there were two guards that right up and down told us to scram. Me? scram?! The mighty BB-vielder? How dare they!
However I calmed down and complied with their wish, although visibly upset. Ian however stood his ground.

He's funny Ian, he can be really witty and fun to be with but then suddenly turn itno a blood-lusting warrior with almost no warning, while I was walking out he remained, silently staring the two guards into the eyes like he wanted to eat their very souls. The 2 guardsmen drew their arms and apperently tried to shoot me in the back! The insolence!
Ian would have none of it and quickly launched forward, fisting the backshooter in the face, I turned around and with one steady shot to the eye liberated the man from his life. After this the other guard drew his pistol and shot Ian twice, I barely made it back into the building to be able to seethe man's chest bursting open from the burst of Ians mighty smg.

Damnit, I thought to myself, we just got let in and we already killed two town guards. Oh well, might as well loot the place, so we took everything we could and then went t´down a ladder to the basement, in there I got attacked by a rabid dwarf! I quickly made mince meat of his face but didn't have time to reload before a crazed old man launched at me and started to wail at me with his fists, I took my spear and hit him so he went flying across the room, dazed and wounded he crawled up and limped away to the corner just to get his head exploded by Ians smg.