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  1. fred2

    Bethesda’s Pete Hines Fallout 4 interview

    What the first rule of circle jerk? Either lend a hand or fuck off ;) Unfortunately I forgot, and thus I am back on this marry go round.. As usual my point was swept away in righteous indignation for the cause (generally speaking even though I am replying to you). I was suggesting that you...
  2. fred2

    Bethesda’s Pete Hines Fallout 4 interview

    Context is everything. I remember an interview with Chris Avalon where he praised Beth marketing team, impressed by their early involvement. Are you saying that game design isn't\shouldn't be influenced by user input, has a better metric for mainstream titles, or just rant at (mainstream)...
  3. fred2

    Quakecon 2015: Fallout 4 details

    Logically part of fallout lore... hmm Usually they start by making interesting and distinctly different enemies, then they add lore rational. For example Ghouls are slow and frail humans, while Super mutants are aggressive hulk-ish human - how they were created (radiation/FEV) and all the...
  4. fred2

    Fallout 4 - Why Details Matter

    Assuming that you are asking just that, and not using this as segway to complain about writing. Then yes, everything Todd said is spot on. In FP openworld game, most of your time will be spent exploring the environment, and adding visual verity and more interaction options is important. The...
  5. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    Lets be honestly, based on what we know Skyrim system seem complex in comparison.... And while I was expecting that Beth will streamline skills\perks, and its not that a system need to be complex in order to have real impact on gameplay depth (there are some very good examples of that) At this...
  6. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    Ironically, that is exactly what i was thinking while writing that reply to your brick comment. But unlike your page long butthurt, I didn't care enough to expand upon it. Also nice grammar potshot, you certainly outdone a foreigners 3rd language who had no real practice since school.. This...
  7. fred2

    Quakecon 2015: Fallout 4 details

    Not a fan, when it force me to scroll through a page worth of off-topic BS.
  8. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    Copy pasting from quake con, what I gathered on perks: You choose a new a perk each time you gain level (and probably quest rewards\etc) They gave each perk several skill levels. They removed level requirements, but keyed all perks to specific attribute, making your character selection more...
  9. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    How is it better from technical and utilitarian standpoint for games like action-RPGs, built or casual crowd and offering limited number of actions/interactions ? ( e.g. good/natural/bad or aggressive/professional etc ) Also lists has been used in the same capacity before. But wheels does the...
  10. fred2

    Quakecon 2015: Fallout 4 details

    So perks... what I gathered: You choose a new a perk each time you gain level (and probably quest rewards\etc) They gave each perk several skill levels. They removed level requirements, but keyed all perks to specific attribute, making your character selection more important. (Presumably...
  11. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Recommendation: Do not click the "view results" button, might cause an angry eye twitch.
  12. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    Regardless of your opinion, that discussion and video should have given you a hint as to what is meant by the amnesia scenario..
  13. fred2

    Fallout 4 - Why Details Matter

    The world looks more vivid and realistic. Its about world and interior design, think a long the lines of the silly "where is the food" meme
  14. fred2

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    Dialogue wheels wasn't designed for a controller\consoles per see, it's an intuitive system designed with casual audience in mind, and while consoles are considered as the poster boys for casual crowd pretty much every major title cater to them regardless of platform\controller. Dialogue wheels...
  15. fred2

    Fallout Anthology announced for PC

    You are artful with words, unfortunately some farts worth more than others. People lining up for what Beth offers, and as a limited addition it might eventually cost a little fortune.
  16. fred2

    Fallout Anthology announced for PC

    Beside the usual reason to keep mementos, it's the prerogative of hardcore fans and collectors.
  17. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    I'd think that after the discussion last week you'd know what it means, but you choose to take it very literally... Here is a reminder for your amnesia :
  18. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    Ironically, that is exactly what I was hinting at. That plans for Van Burnen intro sequence ("After the Bombs Fall: Moving into Your New Vault") were used in Fallout 3 (life inside the Vault) and Fallout 4 (when the bombs start falling) Yes and no. I think that most people hate tutorials. By...
  19. fred2

    Bethesda planning to revisit Skyrim paid mods after Fallout 4's launch.

    No retard. They aren't taking away anyone's freedom to mod, only your delusion that you can make profit out of it without them having a say. In fact the engine, tools and support for modders has been expanded yet again, as it has been with every title. Edit: also your words seem to imply, that...
  20. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    Did you know that Interplay's Fallout 3 had a tutorial sequence called "After the Bombs Fall: Moving into Your New Vault". In which the bombs feel and you thought shelter in the vault?