Hardboiled Android
Vault Fossil

I have my own theory why Bethesda decided to add in Super Mutants and also Enclave and BoS to F3. Because otherweise you would have a very very hard time to actually reckognize Fallout 3 actually as a Fallout game and not Oblivion with gunz. The fear from Bethesda, someone could get the idea that it's not a true Sequel! - And they also never got tired of reminding people that this is what they wanted to do. But hey, don't worry it got Supermutants and Enclave and even BoS and a wasteland surounding it and a hell lot of violence! With nukes! Lots of nukes! So it's a Fallout game! That is exactly what those might think that never really played the previous games.
Theory time! or you could call it head cannon time, whichever is fine. In my desperate attempt to at least make some sense of F3 I theorize that the vault 87 experiment was to create a new race of people to survive the inhospitable wastes, but ultimately failed. Then some Mute ant from the Masters army found the vault and continued the masters plan. The End
I'm fairly sure that it is canon that it was a race of people to re-colonize the Wastes./