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  1. Risewild

    fallout 2 was the borderlands 2 of the 1990s change my mind.

    Also, the little arrows that change to other bodies to loot when they are on top of each other. :wiggle:
  2. Risewild

    What others think about the Fallout games.

    Updated! Now with FO4 GOTY added to the lists.
  3. Risewild

    EFAP on Fallout

    You would be surprised (I know I did) by how many people are asking on Reddit if they should play FO3 for the first time using TTW. And how many people are replying with "Yes". :postviper: Also, TTW is more known now because of an article (I think it was IGN that released it in April) named...
  4. Risewild

    EFAP on Fallout

    Don't forget that many (if not most) people playing Fallout 3 on PC these days do it using TTW. Many consider TTW the only way to play FO3 now, so the number of FO3 players also need to take into account some of the FNV player numbers. We also have to consider that many people play FO3 from GOG...
  5. Risewild

    So what do people think of the characters?

    "No Mutants Allowed" it's pretty obvious just by the name. :V
  6. Risewild

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Is it just me or do ghouls now have smoother skin than humans? And are they still calling humans "smoothskins"?
  7. Risewild

    EFAP on Fallout

    Maybe it's because you have a cat avatar? :drummer:
  8. Risewild

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Yeah, President Dick talks about that:
  9. Risewild

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    The cat fills up the entire prison building, but it fits in the courtroom and can sit at the table? How big is that courtroom and the "people" inside the courtroom compared to the outside? :rofl:
  10. Risewild

    Reconstructing Fallout 3 Retrospective Series

    The Wayback Machine still has them. Unfortunately, it doesn't have "part 1" or any of the images, but all the other 17 parts and the text are still there.
  11. Risewild

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    The Enclave's objective (as first thought by Tim Cain) was to go to space and colonise another planet using a multi-generational spaceship. That was why the vaults were supposed to all be experiments about stuff that could or would happen when being isolated for long periods, like travelling in...
  12. Risewild

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    I also just remembered that in Fallout 2 President Richardson straight up says that China launched first: So yeah, Fallout 2 already mentions that China launched first.
  13. Risewild

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    It's the Fallout Bible that mentions the possible origin of the Temple of Trials:
  14. Risewild

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    I think they would care. Because if they didn't care about "their own" fallout then they wouldn't have limited or forbidden Obsidian from using some locations, factions, DLC endings or even told Obsidian that New Vegas had to chronologically be after the events of Fallout 3.
  15. Risewild

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    I have seen people saying that Nuking Shady Sands is fine because Avellone made it possible to nuke NCR territory in FNV, but here is Avellone's words about it:
  16. Risewild

    Help Me Justify the Enclave in Washington D.C.

    Was the vertibird's fuel retconned? I never played FO76 or watched the TV show so I don't know if they changed this. But in Fallout 2 vertibirds needed refuelling stations (like Navarro) and in New Vegas Daisy mentions that vertibirds are limited in where they could go due to how much fuel they...
  17. Risewild

    Netanyahu wanted by the ICC for warcrimes

    I doubt this will change anything. The ICC warrants have been ignored in the past and there were no real consequences for doing it.
  18. Risewild

    They do when you set them on fire:

    They do when you set them on fire:
  19. Risewild

    DEI Detected (website)

    I don't need a list. If I want to know if a game is worth buying or not I just go on the game's steam discussions forum and there will be threads about how the game sucks because of whatever reasons. And if it is because of DEI, there will definitely be A LOT of threads about it.