Try and grab the expansion pack, Horizons, too. It adds some neat features that make the game a lot better.
And if you still don't know what it is, go watch Scott Manley's videos on it. It's pretty great. Variabull and Yahtzee also both gave positive reviews of it.
Miracles happen all the time. They just happen as far away from when you need or want them as possible. For example, I finally won a giveaway! For a $10 Steam game. After I had entered about 10 different giveaways for desktop PCs.
I saw it. It wasn't really all that good. They _really_ squandered the setting and worldbuilding. I really wanted to see a world that's a bit more realistic and believable than this sorta grim setting with Fantastic Racists and all these fucking stereotyped fantasy creatures.
Blame SJWs and the alt-right for affixing values of social justice onto movies with little to no regard for the actual content of the movie nor what came before.
Also, I think the best solution for specialized builds is to have most content available to everyone, but give certain builds different rewards or different ways to go through situations. Kinda like a good Fallout or Deus Ex game.
"read reviews?"
What the hell happened to "all game journos are hacks" that I keep seeing around these parts. Either reviews are a good source or they're not.