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  1. Jinx

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    As Chris said. The team is mostly active via private Discord these days with our few broken, hollowed out souls known as 'scripters' toiling away.
  2. Jinx

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    Thanks for sharing Chris, and thanks for the shoutout. It's because you and Dude101 gave me a shot that I could do what I did and do what I do and for that I'll always be real damn grateful.
  3. Jinx

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    It is :monocle: (explained in dialog, that is)
  4. Jinx

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    Damn. Really guys, pat yourself on the back, 'cause this was like reliving the old games for me. Good atmosphere. Competent story and quest designs. Really good detail regarding the companions that puts the old games companion interaction to shame. Really, great job :shock:
  5. Jinx

    Post-Britannia, a dystopian novel

    Congratulations Tom. You make the struggling writer in all of us proud.
  6. Jinx

    Do you think we have control of our lives?

    I'd say yes, we have. But that's a simple answer that really doesn't cut it. A grown, fully mentally developed person could be argued to have a lot more 'control' than, say, an infant. An infant can't even control its own body properly, not to mention 'life' outside of itself. It all comes down...
  7. Jinx

    Couldn't the Master's Plan Still Work?

    In Fallout 2 we see that even if Super Mutants seem to be able to live for a very long time, maybe even being 'immortal', this just applies to their bodies - their minds seem to be affected by aging. Not much use being immortal if you're senile. Also, regarding the 'human farm' approach to get...
  8. Jinx

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    This sounds awesome. I remember keeping an eye on Resurrection way back when, so it's really uplifting to see an English version coming out. Keep up the good work!