@Alphons it's been a while since I played 1.5 but I'm pretty sure that your Doctor skill needs to be higher than 100% (probably closer to 120 %). It's a very hard check.
I'm pretty sure I'm correct. I just repeated it and I'm 7 out of 7. While, 1 point lower keeps failing. Unless I'm very lucky, or my whole game is completely corrupted, I think I'm on point.
Perhaps, the game has patched since? I'm using version: 1.5.116 (which should be the newest one).
P.S. When next to the patient fire a shot at your companions (this way you won't have hostility) then press space, wait and end combat. Each time you do this has the patient with the cranial damage, jump out of bed, and then fall over again

Well, the point of the questline, as it initially appear, is to locate someone who is hiding its identity.
The most obvious path, imo, is to go where you are the most likely to find people who can provide those information AKA those who actually work or and in contact with the person.
I checked it again (i.e. talked to Terrak, Benicio and Elisa).
And I see your point, but from the perspective of a first-time player that's not how the game unfolds. In fact Terrak sends you to Elisa to do some “errands” for them, while Benicio, offers you to work for Anonymous instead. So the choice is “Elisa/Empire or Benicio/Anonymous” without any specifics.
At this point of time the idea to go with Benicio to uncover Anonymous is only true in hindsight. As the player doesn't know yet what the Empire wants.
You could show initiative, but both Elisa and Benicio give very strong warnings that once you agree to work for them there is no turning back. (which is usually an absolute state in Resurrection, aka no betrayal, well, most times). Besides, at this point, no one in the Empire has given you the quest to uncover Anonymous. So why should you?
That request only comes up, kind of, when agreeing to work for Elisa. And that causes Benicio to disappear (...), and then the Imperial side of the story unfolds, with all the ups and downs and turnarounds.
An investigating quest (into Benicio) would have been an option, but that's not how they decided to write the story. Which can be debated, of course. But besides that, I see no flaw in how it plays out.
I think your argument is influenced by having played the game and then asking yourself how to uncover Anonymous. From that angle your point is sound. But not when following the hints, dialogue and quest-structure as presented by the game. And that's what I originally meant: the difference between first-time experience and hindsight.
And from my own experience: When I played that part for the first time the idea to go with Benicio as an undercover agent never suggested itself to me.
So I do see your point, but I would disagree when saying that that's how the mod presents it.