Search results

  1. Einhanderc7

    Obsidian Cannot Save Fallout

    This is what I know; Fallout as a brand will most likely never produce a comparable title of quality to the originals. Fallout's brand has been devalued, I haven't been able to determine what the brand name is supposed to sell or represent to me, nor others that I have asked including Bethesda...
  2. Einhanderc7

    Unsurprisingly I usually encounter odd narrative elements in older game or indie games...

    Unsurprisingly I usually encounter odd narrative elements in older game or indie games exclusively. Occasionally there is comedic gold such as "That's right. You have no head. That darn pool must have been filled with acid. You obviously can't go on living that way." -The Narrator from Space...
  3. Einhanderc7

    Well, its better than "The ruinous powers of chaos has consumed a planet, *Schlorp*" At least...

    Well, its better than "The ruinous powers of chaos has consumed a planet, *Schlorp*" At least this way you can imagine magical space unicorns adopted them or something.
  4. Einhanderc7

    I know right, where the artistic license?

    I know right, where the artistic license?
  5. Einhanderc7

    Oxhorn: a solid Reference for Fallout Lore.

    I completely understand your perspective, however @AureliusofPhoenix provides a rational perspective to my position, and the implication of yours. I understand that conflict generated by such individuals is unwanted, however preventing them from engaging entirely is counter productive. Believe...
  6. Einhanderc7

    Oxhorn: a solid Reference for Fallout Lore.

    Please don't double post, instead complete your thought in a single post or edit it. My point is that I don't condone any form of censorship, and advocating for censorship only serves to limit who can submit ideas for discussion. Endorsing censorship is endorsing the restriction of freedom...
  7. Einhanderc7

    Oxhorn: a solid Reference for Fallout Lore.

    @MPPlantOfficial No, I disagree with your perspective completely. Let the idiot speak, squeal, and scream all they want. Censoring one person because another subjectively considers their perspective "stupid or toxic" is asinine. Hell, it's literally the SJW argument to censor others during...
  8. Einhanderc7

    End of Free speech in Europe or just hype?

    I don't reside in the UK, but I'll state this. There's no free speech in the UK, there hasn't been for quite some time considering "hate speech" has been banned. As for copyright, the only way to viably enforce such a regulation would be to filter what websites the citizens have access to, like...
  9. Einhanderc7

    Heresy Dump

    Spoiler, you die. Confused by non 40k heretical content.
  10. Einhanderc7

    Heresy Dump

    I came across this the other day, thought it was hilarious. Enjoy :)
  11. Einhanderc7

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    From my perspective communist and socialist societies never work. The problem with them is the complete lack of accountability be both the government and it's people. To be honest the only system of government I think would be by far the most beneficial is the one proposed by Robert A Heinlein...
  12. Einhanderc7

    Sounds like his boat floats in a different direction...

    Sounds like his boat floats in a different direction...
  13. Einhanderc7

    GURPs, SIMPLE, or Exodus?

    If you don't mind I'll take a look at it for my ongoing Hordes of Vancouver project. However, I might end up having to modify it to fit the entire scenario if I use it. If you want feel free to weigh in on my progress
  14. Einhanderc7

    Oxhorn: a solid Reference for Fallout Lore.

    This is how I know these forums aren't "toxic", no one is being censored here on NMA. Everyone is free to express whatever nonsense is floating around in their head, letting everyone else engage with it. Dunno about all of you, but being able to express one's own thoughts even if they are...
  15. Einhanderc7

    The Honesty of Bethesda:Fallout 76 against Fallout 4.

    Perhaps I'm the jaded cynical asshole here but, anything related to Bethesda being considered "honest" is stretching the definition of honesty well outside it's intended definition. Neither Fallout 4 nor Fallout 76 were honest in their marketing or game play. Sure one can remember what they...
  16. Einhanderc7

    Fallout: Hordes of Vancouver

    Hello everyone, I have been working on a pen and paper scenario for Fallout. While I have been making progress I'm curious to know if our fine community would be willing to lend a hand in small minor or major ways to give the entire open world more flavor. Currently I'm still outlining...
  17. Einhanderc7

    Interrogative: Good Web Comics

    Thanks @R.Graves although the nsfw comics are ill advised. Thanks @Cobra Commander Those are pretty good!
  18. Einhanderc7

    Interrogative: Good Web Comics

    Thanks a bunch Hassknecht, knew I could count on you!
  19. Einhanderc7

    Interrogative: Good Web Comics

    Hello everyone, I trust everyone is well or at least still simmering with the general rage commonly found among our kind. I'm bored at work and I'm curious if anyone knows of any good dedicated websites that have humorous web comics I can peruse at my leisure. If you wouldn't mind, would you...
  20. Einhanderc7

    Who's your favourite Fallout lore youtuber?

    I can't say I ever found one that really maintained my interest. Besides I'm more of a reader when it comes to lore, which is probably why I'm a big fan of 40k lore.